
martes, 11 de marzo de 2014

This book has not been able to tell you everything about the Goose with the Golden Eggs. But we have been able to offer some information about the care and feed­ing of this creature...

The Moral Foundations of Economics

by Russell Kirk

Russell Kirk

The fol­low­ing essay ap­pears in the final chap­ter of Russell Kirk’s text­book Eco­nom­ics: Work and Pros­per­ity (Pen­sacola, Fla.: A Beka Book Pub­li­ca­tions, 1989), pp. 365–368.

Some peo­ple would like to sep­a­rate econ­o­mists from pol­i­tics, but they are un­able to do so. An­other name for eco­nom­ics is po­lit­i­cal econ­omy. As we men­tioned in ear­lier chap­ters, a sound econ­omy can­not exist with­out a po­lit­i­cal state to pro­tect it. Fool­ish po­lit­i­cal in­ter­fer­ence with the econ­omy can re­sult in gen­eral poverty, but wise po­lit­i­cal en­cour­age­ment of the econ­omy helps a so­ci­ety to­ward pros­per­ity.

Sim­i­larly, some peo­ple would like to sep­a­rate eco­nom­ics from morals, but they are un­able to do so. For unless most men and women rec­og­nize some sort of moral prin­ci­ples, an econ­omy can­not func­tion ex­cept in a small and pre­car­i­ous way. Moral be­liefs, some­times called moral val­ues, make pos­si­ble pro­duc­tion, trad­ing, sav­ing, and the whole eco­nomic ap­pa­ra­tus.

All human cre­ations and in­sti­tu­tions have some con­nec­tion with moral ideas and moral habits, for human beings are moral crea­tures. Con­cepts of right and wrong haunt us in every­thing we do—whether or not we wish to be con­cerned with moral ques­tions.

So it is that the final sec­tion of this final chap­ter of [Eco­nom­ics] on the first prin­ci­ples of eco­nom­ics sug­gests that ma­te­r­ial pros­per­ity de­pends upon moral con­vic­tions and moral deal­ings.

Adam Smith, the prin­ci­pal founder of eco­nomic sci­ence, was a pro­fes­sor of moral phi­los­o­phy. He took it for granted that moral be­liefs should af­fect eco­nomic do­ings.


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