
sábado, 8 de marzo de 2014

Who owns the term "social justice," conservatives or liberals?

A social justice fight

Conservatives must lead America to equal opportunity.

Who owns the term "social justice," conservatives or liberals? Whatever your own politics, you probably said "liberals." After all, most progressive policies — raising the minimum wage, expanding entitlements, increasing taxes on the wealthy as outlined in President Obama's budget proposal this week — are framed as steps towards greater fairness and compassion.

But as the past five years have shown, intentions do not equal results. Since Obama took office, stock markets have soared and the wealthy have regained their economic footing. But the most vulnerable people have fallen further and further behind. The percentage of Americans in the workforce has fallen to its lowest level since the 1970s. Food stamp enrollment has risen by 50% since January 2009; one in six citizens in the world's wealthiest countrynow rely on nutrition assistance from their government. Economists calculate that income inequality has actually grown under this administration.

In short, social justice has not been served. But these failures are nothing for conservatives to celebrate. Years after the recession's technical end, too many Americans are still struggling. Conservatives need to construct a solution of their own. But how?

They should start by actually asking vulnerable people what they need to thrive. Conservatives will hear that turning one's life around requires three things: transformation, relief and opportunity. A true social justice agenda will rest on these three pillars.


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