Genuine heroes are not political
By Stephanie Hitt
Political punditry threatens to turn us all into cynics. Maybe conservatives are not cynical enough. Sadly, though, cynicism detracts from the kind of heartfelt “live our beliefs” brand of conservatism that defines most Americans. Conservatives tend to be optimists but, this year, we were the Charlie Browns to the liberal Lucys holding the football for us to kick.
If conservatives are to convince Americans that the policies based on the principles of unlimited individual ingenuity and limited government are better for all Americans, we need to stop being surprised by the tactics and cynicism of the other side. We need to go on the offensive and find a craftier way of conveying our message and educating the public. We need to be less apologetic about what we believe in. We look like Republican Charlie Browns apologizing to Lucy for running up to the ball too fast, forcing her to pull it back. We need to anticipate the game plan and change ours.
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