
viernes, 25 de enero de 2013

A clear educational advantage for children living with two parents.

Family structure: it’s an education in itself

An international report finds a clear educational advantage in developed countries for children living with two parents.

Improving education outcomes is a goal for schools and ministries of education all over the world. And so it should be, since they are linked to a host of other advantages, especially in a knowledge-based economy. It will be interesting to note, then, whether those who desire these improvements will grab hold of the results of the recently released World Family Map Project.

This research shows that for children in the developed world, living with two parents results in better literacy scores, regardless of wealth and parental education. This is as true in Canada as it is in United States, the United Kingdom or Australia.

“Children living with two parents had higher reading literacy scores and were less likely to repeat a grade compared to those living with either one parent or neither parent in all three North American countries included in the report: Canada, Mexico and the United States,” write the researchers. They go on: “This pattern is found even after accounting for the higher levels of poverty and lower levels of parental education among single-parent families.”

This is in keeping with other research conclusions in the social sciences showing a host of benefits for children raised by two married parents.


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