
sábado, 7 de febrero de 2015

What Is God’s Will?

God’s Will 

Take it, brave York. Now, soldiers, march away:
And how thou pleasest, God, dispose the day!

It can be difficult to discern God’s Will, but here are ten pointers:

1) Keep God in first place in your life

2) Never besmirch His good name.

3) Go to church every Sunday. Sanctifying Grace has a half-life of 168 hours, and needs topping up that often.

4) Obey your parents when young, and look after them when they are old. They deserve both.

5) Never deprive an innocent human being of their life.

6) Only your spouse is worthy to receive your sexual love. You forsook all others, remember!

7) There is no wealth without work.

8) Honesty is always the best policy.

9) Bless your neighbour’s good fortune in relationships and goods, rather than envy them.

10) See (9)

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