
jueves, 5 de febrero de 2015

North and South Korea - Never has the gulf between the two nations been more acute

20 years of difference 

between North and South Korea

By Rachel Cunliffe



1994 – North Korean leader Kim Il Sung dies. A national mourning period dictated. A statement from the Korean Central News Agency says: “He turned our country, where age-old backwardness and poverty had prevailed, into a powerful Socialist country, independent, self-supporting and self-reliant.” That year, North Korea experiences a famine that lasts half a decade, and has been receiving humanitarian aid since then.

1995 – South Korea develops the first ever contactless payment cards for the transport system in Seoul (nearly ten years before the oyster card).

1996 – The US joins the humanitarian aid effort to combat the famine in North Korea and begins to ship food supplies there. The biggest donors and China and Japan.

1997 – South Korean company Saehan Information Systems launches the first portable mp3 player in the world.

1998 – US Congressional staffers who visited North Korea to assess the impact of the famine reported that: “We gave a range of estimates, from 300,000 to 800,000 dying per year, peaking in 1997. That would put the total dead from the North Korean food shortage at between 900,000 to 2.4 million between 1995 and 1998.”

1999 – South Korea is the 12th largest economy in the world in terms of GDP.

2000 – Life expectancy in North Korea is 66.8 years (compared to 75.9 in South Korea, 77 in the US, and 77.7 in the UK)


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