
sábado, 14 de febrero de 2015

Modern progressive education produces slaves.

Ten Principles of Education for Slavery

By Andrew Kern

Modern progressive education produces slaves. It does so by remembering the following principles.

1. A slave’s education is coercive

2. ​The slave is not told why he is being forced to be educated

3. A slave’s education keeps the slave dependent on the thoughts of others

4. A slave’s education keeps the slave weak

5. A Slave’s education prepares him to work for others instead of preparing him to work for himself

6. A slave’s education neglects the slave’s unique strengths and contributions, developing only what some other institution or group needs him for

7. A slave’s education is not oriented toward the honor of the slave but the glory of his master

8. A slave’s education is not under natural authority but is under the arbitrary authority of the self-appointed and self-validating

9. A slave’s education does not develop the higher virtues of wisdom and justice (for rather obvious reasons)

10. A slave’s education does not cultivate the qualities of a free person 
(virtue and honor and all that arises from them)and honor and all that arises from them)

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