
martes, 3 de febrero de 2015

Kirchner has denied the charges, but public reaction to Nisman’s death has been hostile to the government.

Murder, Cover Up in Argentina-Iran Deal?

So, Argentina remains politically convulsed with Kirchner under severe pressure to produce clear answers to the mystery.

The mysterious violent death of a federal prosecutor investigating alleged Iranian involvement in a 1994 terrorist atrocity has convulsed Argentina’s debilitated democracy, where President Cristina Kirchner presides over an authoritarian populist government that has defaulted on huge debts to its international creditors. The prosecutor, Alberto Nisman, was found dead in his Buenos Aires apartment with a bullet wound in his head and a .22 caliber revolver by his side. This was on January 13th, only five days after he had publicly accused Kirchner and her foreign minister, Héctor Timerman, of negotiating an agreement with Iran in 2013 that would cover up an investigation of the terrorist action in exchange for Iranian purchase of Argentine commodities with advance payments to meet Argentina’s shortage of foreign reserves. Nisman has been the chief investigator since 2010 of the bombing of the Argentine Jewish Community Center in Buenos Aires, the capital. He was scheduled to testify on his charges before the Argentine Congress last week.


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