
martes, 2 de abril de 2013

Equal rights for all? Yes, absolutely. But that does not imply a right to suppress from public discourse the recognition of what is specific and distinctive of marriage

The Right to Redefine Marriage?


The main argument proposed by those seeking to redefine marriage so that same-sex couples can be legally declared married is that homosexual persons are being unjustly denied a fundamental right. Everyone has a fundamental right to marry — the argument goes — but homosexuals are denied this right. 
But this argument simply begs the question; it presupposes a particular — and false — answer to the question: What is marriage? A right to marry does not give people the right to compel everyone else to treat an entirely different kind of relationship they might have as if it were marriage. 
The state does not create marriage, but should recognize and promote it. Prior to any pronouncement by a judge or legislator, men and women fall in love, long to become one — bodily, emotionally and spiritually — in the kind of union that would be extended and unfolded in procreating and rearing children together. 

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