
viernes, 16 de enero de 2015

Here are ten commandments that seem to dominate the Anglican Church’s political thinking

Ten Commandments of Political Anglicanism


There are two coalitions in Britain today. The one in power in Whitehall between the Conservatives and Liberal Democrats. We all know about that one. Much less discussed is the more informal but still powerful coalition between Conservative ministers and the Labour leaders of northern England’s great cities. More devolution of power to these cities has taken place in this parliament than during the Labour years. The bias to London in infrastructure spending is being addressed as George Osborne sets out major plans to build new road and rail links across the North. It is proposed that the proceeds of fracking will stay in the northern economy to accelerate its development. There’s a lot more to be done, of course, but a lot is underway.

One person who has observed this second coalition in action is Ed Miliband. He has been furious at his party colleagues’ co-operation with cities minister Greg Clark, in particular, but Labour’s municipal leaders have ignored his encouragements to break ties with the Tories. It is against this background that the latest political intervention by Anglican Archbishops should be judged. As Lord Heseltine told BBC Radio 4 yesterday they seemed “out of touch” and simply unaware of what was being done to rebalance the UK economy after years of growth that had been built unsustainably on debt and unaffordable public sector employment growth.

Unemployment is falling across the north, infrastructure is being renewed and new cross-party alliances are being formed. None of this was adequately acknowledged in the latest deeply questionable intervention from the Church of England. Instead we got the same tired talk of inequality and public spending cuts. Too much of the Anglican hierarchy (although not its congregations who are more streetwise) seems enslaved to a statist, materialist, leftist and, sadly, secular way of thinking. Here are ten commandments that seem to dominate the Church’s political thinking – and why each is fundamentally flawed.
1. Forgive Those Who Leave Us In Debt ...
2. Blessed Is The State That Believes In Santa Claus ...
3. Love Your Neighbour With All Of The State’s Heart ...
4. Deliver Us From Self-Interest ...
5. Money Is At The Root Of All Social Evil ...
6. Honour The Centralised State Above The Competitive Market ...
7. Each Perkin Gaineth At another Perkin’s Expense (Politically Correct Standard Revised Social Responsibility Bible) ...
8. The Greatest Evil Is Inequality ...
9. Speak Not So Much Of God But Of Politics ...
10. The Biggest Hearts Lean To The Left ...


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