
viernes, 30 de enero de 2015

A Foreign NATO Legion ...

Putin: Ukraine's Army Is A NATO Proxy Aimed At 'Containing Russia'


Russian President Vladimir Putin said on Monday that Ukraine's army is a NATO proxy whose geopolitical aim is to constrain Russia.

"This is not the army, per se, this is a foreign proxy, in this case a foreign NATO legion, which, of course, doesn't pursue the objective of national interests of Ukraine.

"They have entirely different goals, and they are tied with the achievement of the geopolitical goals of containing Russia, which absolutely does not fall in place with the national interests of the Ukrainian people," Putin said on Monday.

"We often say: the Ukrainian army, the Ukrainian army. But in fact, who's fighting there? Indeed, there are, in part, official units of armed forces, but for the most part it's the so-called 'volunteer nationalist battalions,'" Putin added.


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