
sábado, 21 de septiembre de 2013

The president’s red lines: this is a man who takes his red lines seriously.

Iran and Syria: Peace in our time

...  I have a little confession: Something is gnawing away on the periphery of my diplomatic euphoria. I’m a little worried about the Syria precedent. What’s that, you ask? Isn’t that last week’s problem? So…I dunno…August? It’s true, we have a deal with the Russians. The Syrians are going to cough up a comprehensive list of their chemical weapons this week soonish. It’s true, Assad signed the Chemical Weapons Convention. And he is a man who, once an international obligation is made, really sticks to it. I mean, look at how strictly Syria has adhered to the Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty. (What were the Israelis doing there in 2007 anyway?)

And then there are the president’s red lines. This is a man who takes his red lines seriously. The 14th time Assad crossed that red line and killed 1400 people – and 400 children, oh the children – Obama and his team were out there threatening an “incredibly small” retaliation. And he has a red line on Iran too. No nuclear weapons. None. Nada. Not gonna happen. I, for one, am totally convinced after this whole Putin/Obama/Assad peace that the president is 100% committed to ensuring Iran doesn’t cross his red lines. At least not more than once. Or twice.


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