
sábado, 25 de mayo de 2013

Tyranny in our time: America’s Founders had a dream of freedom, and this is not it

Americans must repudiate 
the political class

Americans are beginning to recognize the disturbing similarities between President Obama and the fallen Richard Nixon, but the comparison that may matter more is between Mr. Obama and King George III.

“He has erected a multitude of New Offices, and sent hither swarms of Officers to harass our people and eat out their substance,” in the words of the Declaration of Independence.

King George’s assault on the Americans’ natural freedoms was oppressive, intolerable and deserving of a revolution. The truth is, the intrusion, restriction and outright harassment that our government subjects us to today is far beyond what the colonists faced from their tyrannical king. If it was tyranny in 1776, then, by God, it is tyranny today.

Consider the enormous coercive power of the Internal Revenue Service and its lust to wield it. The IRS admits to systematically identifying and harassing political dissidents who dare to disagree with the political bosses. The IRS created what could be considered an enemies list starting with conservative Tea Party groups. It targeted any group calling itself “patriot” or daring to teach the Constitution or Bill of Rights.

The scope of its abuse is only beginning to unfold. I have also faced its wrath. Mr. Obama’s White House urged my editor at this newspaper to drop me. Consider that. Facts or opinions weren’t challenged and I wasn’t challenged in the arena of ideas — the White House just wanted me gone. How dare the president’s own cousin criticize him!


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