The intolerant left
The Washington Times
You can hear a lot of big talk about tolerance and diversity
rom people who hang out in the ivory tower, but they rarely
want to set an example.
In the halls of academe, the only acceptable ideology is stunted liberalism.
Dr. Ben Carson, the renowned pediatric neurosurgeon, was forced to withdraw Wednesday as a speaker from the Johns Hopkins University’s medical school convocation in Baltimore next month. Agitators in the administration and in the student body were outraged that someone with Dr. Carson’s views would be invited to address graduating students. They might learn something they didn’t already know. His offense? He believes in traditional marriage. The lavender lobby is upset that he mentioned homosexuality in the same breath as bestiality and pedophilia. He subsequently apologized, but not abjectly enough.
The student government at Johns Hopkins rejected the application for official recognition from the pro-life club Voice of Life, likening abortion foes to white supremacists. They insist that photographs of aborted fetuses are “offensive” and shouldn’t be seen. Voice of Life appealed and won their case Tuesday.
Religious freedom is offensive to the left, too. In the District of Columbia, two homosexual activists at George Washington University last week demanded that the Rev. Gregory Shaffer, a Catholic chaplain, be fired because he supports the Christian teaching, central to the doctrines of all denominations, that homosexual behavior is sinful and therefore immoral
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