
martes, 31 de diciembre de 2019

Law & Liberty´s ten most-read opinion essays from 2019

Law & Liberty‘s Top 10 Essays of the Year
Law & Liberty enjoyed tremendous growth in readership this year. Here are our ten most-read opinion essays from 2019:
1. The Illogic of Cultural Appropriation, by Michael Rappaport
Criticisms about cultural appropriation turn out to be inconsistent with essential aspects of the greatness of a free society.
Today the Wall Street Journal has the better claim to be the paper of record.
3. Exit Stage Right, by Mark Pulliam
Mobility enables Americans to improve their well-being by pursuing more attractive opportunities elsewhere in this magnificent, sprawling country.
His comedy points out that liberalism, which once respected human equality and difference, now imposes rapidly changing woke dogma in its place.
5. The Battle for Hong Kong, by Nikolai Wenzel
Nikolai Wenzel offers a firsthand report on the protests in Hong Kong against the Chinese extradition bill.
6. Five Insights Christianity Brings to Politics, by Michael Matheson Miller
Christianity places politics in the context of our human freedom, the call to human flourishing, and in the light of our eternal destiny.
7. Brexplaining the UK’s Future, by Helen Dale
The Tories, the civil service, and Labour are tripping over each other and falling down separate flights of stairs while the nation watches in dismay.
8. Burke and the Nation, by Yuval Levin
Our particular national character, as Burke could see even before American independence, is uniquely oriented by certain principled commitments.
Baltimoreans would have a better chance of rescuing their city if officials weren’t bent on property tax hikes and outlandish assertions of eminent domain.
While critics and fans have compared Joker to the gritty films of the 1970s, the movie it actually has most in common with is Ad Astra.

Law & Liberty Editors

Richard Reinsch II and Brian A. Smith.

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