
sábado, 21 de diciembre de 2019

If the trajectory of decline can be reversed, we must change the culture. How can we do that?

Essays of the Week

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by Bradley Birzer
Though we correctly remember Edmund Burke as the father of modern conservatism, we too often forget that he was also a pure and unadulterated radical when it came to promoting the dignity of the human person. Burke believed that one must see the human being not for what he is, or the worst that is within him, but rather as clothed in the “wardrobe of moral imagination,” a glimpse of what the person could be and is, by God, meant to be... 

by George Stanciu
Probably, the most quoted sentence by any philosopher was spoken by Socrates. Twenty-four centuries after his death, the words of Socrates can still unsettle an attentive listener. However, before we can understand his most famous dictum, we must clear away who we are not to grasp who we are—something only done when we are grounded in the fundamental relationships that are universal to humankind...  

by Ralph Ketcham
Thomas Jefferson believed that good government was possible only when those who governed were virtuous, and that government should rest on the consent of the governed. To sustain some parts of both idealisms, Jefferson gave careful, life-long attention to the quality of citizenship attainable in any given society. He did this partly because of his belief that it was essential for individuals to have the widest possible opportunity to fulfill their own potential – and he was confident that such fulfillment would be socially useful...  

by Dick Bishirjian
As we Americans look about us, we don't recognize our country. Changes in who we are as a people have occurred, and we find ourselves spiritually and intellectually weakened. Hopes, institutions, and opportunities that sustained our sense of community in past times are today insufficient and no longer sustain a vital "center." If this trajectory of decline can be reversed, we must change the culture. How can we do that? 

by David Deavel
Chick-fil-A’s ham-handed abandonment of a charity because of the progressive mob hasn’t won them any plaudits from that mob. It has also disheartened many of their customers, especially since the company defended its cowardice with what appears to be a very bald lie. Businesses don’t have moral obligations to give money, but they do have obligations to be honest to men and to God... 
Classical Education & Friendship

The Economy of Funerals and Aunts

Gollum and the Spirit of Christmas

How to Think about God: A Pagan Mere Christianity

Petrarch on Seeking the Ideal

The Enduring Legend of Antigone

The Face of Love: Beatrice as Type of Christ

Five New Solo Classical Albums for Gifting

Why Greta Thunberg Should Be Time’s “Person of the Year”


"The Nativity"

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