
domingo, 16 de septiembre de 2012

South Atlantic strategy: "Winnie Pooh" ( Guido Di Tella ) was right after all...

The Falklands: An underutilised paradise?

Are the Falklands being used to their best advantage?  In a recession, they could be an underutilised paradise with their jobs, white sandy beaches, wildlife, mountain ranges – and lack of people.  Census results released this month show that the islands have a less than 1% unemployment rate, and that the average annual income of $32,213 is much higher than Argentina's $9,620 as of last year, or that of any of the Falklands' other Latin American neighbours.

Offshore oil and gas development could also potentially bring much more wealth to the islands. 

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The Falklands, Always Contested,

Inspire Fresh English-Argentine Squabble

Mac Margolis


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