
jueves, 9 de junio de 2016

Pope Benedict believed that relativism should be resisted in all its incarnations—even in its multicultural form.

What Benedict Could Teach the USCCB About Muslim Dialogue

by William Kilpatrick

I write frequently about the danger of Islamization in the U.S.—the incremental spread of Islamic law and culture that culminates in Islamic dominance. Many people, no doubt, consider that to be an unrealistic fear—about as likely as a takeover by shape-shifting aliens. After all, Muslims make up a relatively small proportion of the population. Besides, one might argue, if such a thing as Islamization were in progress, it would be easy to spot and easy to put a stop to it.

But would it? Let’s consider an analogy that may bring some perspective to the matter. If Islamization seems improbable, consider that only a few years ago, the dismantling of sex-segregated bathrooms and locker rooms seemed equally unlikely. Sure, the sexual revolutionaries had broken many barriers, but they wouldn’t force themselves into the women’s changing room at your local public pool. Would they?

We know now that they would and could. And not because the LGBT community has any kind of numerical advantage. Given their numbers, the sexual radicals should have very little clout. Nevertheless, they tend to get what they want, whether it’s same-sex “marriage,” gender-blind bathrooms, or the prosecution of Christian bakers, florists, and photographers.

Of course, they wouldn’t be so successful without the backing of big government, big business, and big media/entertainment—not to mention big sports and big education. Let’s call them the “Big Five.” It’s become increasingly difficult to disentangle the Big Five from one another because, increasingly, they act in unison. For example, big education can usually be relied on to go along with whatever big government wants for fear of losing federal funds. But it’s generally not a problem for them because, having attended the same schools and imbibed the same ideology, educational administrators and government officials tend to think alike. So do the textbook publishers. They are part big business, part big education, and part big media. They also have to please big government if they want to stay in business. Meanwhile, big sports are so tangled up with other interests that they can usually be relied on to do the politically correct thing—whatever that may happen to be at the moment. So when you try to resist the gender agenda, you’re in a David and Goliath situation, and the Big Five has requisitioned all available slings and stones.


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