
domingo, 11 de enero de 2015

“Theology of the Family” project

Theology of the Family 
Emphasizes Domestic Church

Pro-Family Profile

by Joseph Pronechen

Joseph Atkinson is the founder of the “Theology of the Family” project (

An associate professor of sacred Scripture at the Pontifical John Paul II Institute for Studies on Marriage and Family in Washington, he created and hosted a 13-part series for EWTN that presented the biblical vision of marriage and the family. He recently added more insights into God’s vision for family life in his new book, Biblical & Theological Foundations of the Family (CUA Press, 2014).

Atkinson discussed with the Register how this project is a major help for the problems family and marriage face today.

Why did you begin the “Theology of the Family” project?

I founded the project because of the profound needs of the family in the modern world. The purpose is to help people not only recover the biblical vision of the family, but also to be open to the healing grace of God.

Please explain why you say, “The greatest need in the modern world is to recover the biblical vision of marriage and family.”

In the West, we’ve lost our way. The West has many different competing ideologies, views and understandings of what the human person, the family and gender are. Even the purpose and value of human life is debated.

The West used to be grounded in the Judeo-Christian vision — man is made in the image of God; marriage is sacred; marriage and family have given purposes. The Church teaches that the family is the basic cell of society. That has been drastically reshaped and attacked on many levels, and this leads to what [St.] John Paul II called the “culture of death.”



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