
sábado, 26 de octubre de 2013

We tell them their Pope said something wrong, so they doubt their Pope, then they doubt their church, so they leave their church, their defenses have gone, and we gobble them up.

By Michael Coren

"Division. We love it, we relish it, we eat and drink it, 
we splash around in the bath of it."

Dear Wormwood: Your uncle is, as you know, a little—how shall we say?—distracted right now, and as I am considered something of an expert when it comes to Christians of the Catholic variety, I’ve been asked to help out a little.

I’ve looked at the files on your man, and you need to be extremely careful here. The believers on what the humans call the “left” of their church are easy. We’ve managed to convince them that salvation is to be found in social programs, liberal politics, and making jokes about conservatives. We’ve done a wonderful job in making it all about politics for them—all about the good they think they can do—and the angrier they become at those they see as their earthly enemies, the further they move away from their god. It’s very successful, and such great fun too. The joke is that they hardly change anything anyway, but the better and more pompous they feel about themselves the less humble and more strident they are, and that makes our enemy even more upset and disappointed.


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