
lunes, 15 de octubre de 2012

To the Catholic educator today, Gobinet is a model of the humble worker in the vineyard.

The Hidden Holiness of Charles Gobinet

In October 1646, the French crown placed a failing University of Paris college, the Collège du Plessis, under the administration of the illustrious Collège de la Sorbonne, newly enriched by  Cardinal Richelieu. The old Plessis, facing financial difficulties and near total collapse, needed complete reorganization and new leadership if it were to survive. Appointed principal of the newly-formed Collège du Plessis-Sorbonne was Charles Gobinet (1613-1690), a priest, a theologian, and an educator with a servant’s heart. Spending the remainder of his life—the next 43 years—at this post, he not only renewed his own college but bequeathed to the Church spiritual and educational writings to which young men and women would turn for generations. ....
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