
sábado, 20 de octubre de 2012

Phyllis Schlafly continues the fight for religious liberty in her new book, No Higher Power: Obama’s War on Religious Freedom

‘Wake Up and Defend Our Religious Liberty’


Phyllis Schlafly, 88, is an icon in Catholic and Republican circles. The founder and president of the Eagle Forum, Schlafly, a constitutional lawyer, is credited by many as having played the lead role in the defeat of the Equal Rights Amendment in the 1970s, after a decade-long political fight against the proposed constitutional amendment. But her greatest contribution, in the eyes of many admirers, is her successful drive to include a pro-life plank in the 1976 Republican platform and her ongoing commitment to keeping the platform pro-life ever since.

Recently, Schlafly authored a book with George Neumayr, contributing editor of The American Spectator, called No Higher Power: Obama’s War on Religious Freedom. The book catalogues and analyzes attacks on religious freedom since President Barack Obama entered office and examines his background to support the authors’ contention that he is opposed to Christianity.

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