
viernes, 4 de julio de 2014

The Middle East: the Obama administration remains indecisive and hesitant to take any assertive position

The Islamic Caliphate: the Obama Administration’s Failed Foreign Policy
in The Middle East

Dr. Majid Rafizadeh, an Iranian-American political scientist and scholar, is president of the International American Council and he serves on the board of Harvard International Review at Harvard University.

As the Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant (or Islamic Caliphate) pushes across Iraq and other countries in the region, and as they score unprecedented victories in order to establish their Islamic Caliphate, the Obama administration remains indecisive and hesitant to take any assertive position.

Due to their military advancements and practical vision (in contrast to more theoretical underpinnings of Al-Qaeda), ISIL has been capable of attracting more Jihadist, young people, and wealthy donors who would like to see the establishment of an Islamist Caliphate stretching from Iraq to the West.

While addressing US foreign policy towards the Middle East, President Barack Obama stated, “it is in our national security interests not to see an all-out civil war inside of Iraq, not just for humanitarian reasons, but because that ultimately can be destabilizing throughout the region”.

Nevertheless, the major issue is that, beyond this nice rhetoric, what are the real and concrete actions taken by President Obama and his administration to prevent the unprecedented rise of Islamists, protect US allies in the region, preserve US security, geopolitical, economic and national interest as well as prevent the destabilization of the region and oil market?

America’s rivals have been the most assertive, decisive, and conclusive when it comes to preserving their national, geopolitical and strategic interests.

The easiest approach for the Obama administration has been to apply a “wait and see” foreign policy, hide behind other regional and global powers, and publicly indicate the declining influence and power of the US on a global stage.

According to New York Times, Russia is currently sending 12 warplanes to the Iraqi government as well as advisory assistance by its military experts.


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