
sábado, 26 de septiembre de 2015

Much of southeastern Europe and portions of modern day Russia were conquered, occupied, and terrorized by the Turks

Why the West Should Listen to Hungary on Muslim Refugees

by Raymond Ibrahim

Some central and east European countries are being criticized by more "progressive" Western nations for not wanting to take in Muslim refugees.

Chief among them is Hungary, specifically in the person of Prime Minister Viktor Orbán. Western media are characterizing him as "xenophobic," "full of hate speech," and Europe's "creeping dictator." Sounding like the mafia boss of the Left, theGuardian simply refers to him as a "problem" that needs to be "solved."

Orbán's crime is that he wants to secure his nation against Muslims and preserve its Christian identity. According to Hungary's prime minister:
Those arriving have been raised in another religion, and represent a radically different culture. Most of them are not Christians, but Muslims. This is an important question, because Europe and European identity is rooted in Christianity.... We don't want to criticize France, Belgium, any other country, but we think all countries have a right to decide whether they want to have a large number of Muslims in their countries. If they want to live together with them, they can. We don't want to and I think we have a right to decide that we do not want a large number of Muslim people in our country. We do not like the consequences of having a large number of Muslim communities that we see in other countries, and I do not see any reason for anyone else to force us to create ways of living together in Hungary that we do not want to see....
The prime minister went on to invoke history—and not in the politically correct way, to condemn Christians and whitewash Muslims, but according to reality:
I have to say that when it comes to living together with Muslim communities, we are the only ones who have experience because we had the possibility to go through that experience for 150 years.

Orbán is referring to Islam's conquest and occupation of Hungary from 1541 to 1699. Then, Islamic jihad, terrorism, and Christian persecution were rampant.

Nor was Hungary alone. Much of southeastern Europe and portions of modern day Russia were conquered, occupied, and terrorized by the Turks—sometimes in ways that make Islamic State atrocities seem like child's play. (Think of the beheadings, crucifixions, massacres, slave markets, and rapes that have become IS trademarks—but on a much grander scale, and for centuries.)

Still, to Western progressives, such distant memories are lost.


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