
miércoles, 2 de julio de 2014

USA: learning from the lessons of our Iraq withdrawal, so we don’t repeat them in Afghanistan

The coming al Qaeda comeback

The New York Times reports:
For the first time since its emergence more than two decades ago, the Qaeda of Osama bin Laden finds itself facing a rival jihadist organization [in ISIS] with the resources and influence to threaten its status as the flagship movement of violent extremism. For the moment, Al Qaeda has lost ground, but the question remains: Will this new group, which now calls itself simply the Islamic State, endure? … 
Al Qaeda’s central leadership has been waning in power and influence for years. American drone strikes have limited the ability of its leaders to manage their far-flung affiliates, and Mr. Zawahri, who took over after the death of Bin Laden, is widely seen as out of touch and lacking the charisma to inspire young militants. This younger generation has been wooed through ISIS’ social media campaigns and finds its activist approach to statehood more inspiring than Al Qaeda’s long-term vision.
“Al Qaeda is an organization and we are a state,” said an ISIS fighter who gave his name as Abu Omar in an online chat. “Osama bin Laden, God have mercy on him, was fighting to establish the Islamic state to rule the world, and — praise God — we have achieved his dream.”
To bin Laden’s successor, Ayman Zawahiri, those are fighting words. Not only has ISIS declared an Islamic state, it has demanded that all Muslims swear allegiance to ISIS leader Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi – effectively declaring him to be bin Laden’s true successor.


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