
domingo, 18 de noviembre de 2012

LGBT - "Expertos economistas" discutieron "el impacto de salir del armario en las carreras y oportunidades de negocio", "directivas lesbianas" dieron a conocer "cómo lograron el éxito en sus carreras" y "ejecutivos senior" explicaron "el papel de la igualdad LGTB en sus empresas...

La organización norteamericana Out on the Street les congregó en su cumbre de Londres y les comprometió a promover su agenda.

¿Por qué una exigua minoría militante -sólo representa a una parte del 2 ó 3% de población que se confiesa homosexual- tiene un poder tan enorme que consigue cambiar Constituciones, deponer jueces, adoctrinar niños en la escuela o condicionar la parrilla televisiva?

Parte de la respuesta puede encontrarse en la reunión mantenida este 13 de noviembre en la City londinense, durante la cual la organización norteamericana Out on the Street, que maneja la agenda LGTB (Lesbianas, Gays, Transexuales y Bisexuales) en la Wall Street neoyorquina, hizo toda una demostración de poder.

En el corazón financiero del Reino Unido, representantes de los principales bancos del mundo se comprometieron a "
promover los derechos de los gay".

El caso de Lord Browne
Hubo representantes de Bank of America Merrill Lynch, Barclays, Citibank, Credit Suisse, Deutsche Bank, Goldman Sachs, HSBC, KKR, KPMG, Morgan Stanley y UBS. Y uno de los participantes destacados fue Lord Browne, antiguo director ejecutivo de British Petroleum que dimitió en 2007 cuando se dieron a conocer detalles íntimos de su relación con el canadiense Jeff Chevalier, un joven que le acusaba de haberle dejado tirado en la calle tras vivir juntos como amantes con un nivel de vida que incluía, por ejemplo, cenas regadas por vinos de 3.700 euros la botella................

Leer aquí:

Out on the Street

~ Mission ~

As the first LGBT leadership organization for Wall Street, by Wall Street, the mission of Out on the Street is to engage both gay and straight senior leaders in discussions around making the Street a destination for top talent, and to enhance the careers of LGBT senior leaders by creating connections to increase opportunities for business.
download .pdf of Member Organization Overview


Lord Browne raises questions over City 'homophobia’

Lord Browne, the former chief executive of BP, has raised the spectre of homophobia in the City and questioned why there are no openly homosexual chief executives running Britain’s biggest companies.

The industrialist, who resigned from the oil giant in 2007 after lying in court to cover up circumstances linked to his sexuality, believes that homosexual men and women may not be being chosen for top jobs at FTSE 100 companies because of their sexuality.
Speaking to The Sunday Telegraph, Lord Browne, who is now openly homosexual, said that he believes gay rights should be as high on the agenda as other issues such as gender and race.

The TRUE story about Lord Browne - by ex-rent boy lover


At the time it all seemed too much - too plainly far-fetched - for Jeff Chevalier to take in. But here he was, a 25-year-old once-penniless Canadian male prostitute, sitting down to dinner with the Prime Minister of Great Britain.
And the two men were liberally helping themselves from a £3,000 bottle of claret.

The wine was the personal choice of Lord Browne of Madingley - the boss of British Petroleum, Britain's most senior businessman and host of the dinner party in question.

"Mr Blair didn't know what it was but he absolutely loved it," Mr Chevalier recalls. "It was a 1983 French claret."

Lord Browne had originally met Mr Chevalier through a male escort agency; now the pair were partners.

The tycoon had installed the young Canadian in his £5million Chelsea apartment and was showing him off to the cream of London society.

The cosy dinner for Tony Blair in the summer of 2005 came amid a seemingly endless merry-go-round of dinners, lunches, soirees and parties that Mr Chevalier was summoned to by his tycoon lover, 34 years his senior.

He was flaunted before business and political contacts, diplomats and artists; there were holidays in private compounds in Barbados and opera in Salzburg and Venice (enjoyed alongside Prince and Princess Michael of Kent in their private box).

In Venice, Mr Chevalier would find himself chinking glasses with Elton John and Jude Law.

Travel would routinely be by private jet - which the businessman appeared to regard as a private plaything.

Today, in an exclusive interview in The Mail on Sunday, Jeff Chevalier gives a stunning account of the extravagance of life at the top of BP.

His testimony will raise important questions about Lord Browne's taste for the high life - together with his eagerness to lavish company largesse on his young lover, and the access that Mr Chevalier was thereby granted to privileged information.

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