
domingo, 26 de agosto de 2012

This is the Christian calling: "Father, forgive them; for they know not what they do" (Luke 23:34).

True Christians Must Be Themselves


God is not interested in a uniform humanity.
This is a very hard truth, because most of us can sympathize with Dmitri Karamazov’s complaint: "Man is too broad; I would narrow him."
It’s hard to relate to people who are very different from ourselves. The problem is not merely that the heart is too constricted to look without judgment, but that there becomes a very deep fear that we will be judged.
This is the psychological wellspring of judgmentalism.
The heart goes out into the world, bearing its personality, talents, loves, and it finds itself criticized. The impetus to kick back in self-defense is very strong.

Christ gave himself as a gift to the entire human race. He did not worry about public opinion, but did make himself into a gift that people would feel blessed to receive.
He was authentically himself, yet when people decided to crucify him, he did not cry: "Yokels! Infidels! Philistines! Sinners!" He said, "Father, forgive them; for they know not what they do" (Luke 23:34).
This is the Christian calling. We must make ourselves into a sincere gift of self for the entire human race. It is tempting, however, to try to become a different kind of person to avoid risking one’s pearls in the swine pen.

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