
sábado, 25 de agosto de 2012

"Paul Ryan has affirmed his great appreciation of Ayn Rand. That is something that needs to be explained"

Register Radio: Paul Ryan and Catholic Doctors

by Tim Drake

Columnists Benjamin Wiker & John Brehany

Today on Register Radio, I interviewed author and speaker Benjamin Wiker about his recent column for the Register on Republican Vice Presidential Candidate Paul Ryan and his professed admiration for the ideas of novelist Ayn Rand.

"Paul Ryan has affirmed his great appreciation of Ayn Rand. That is something that needs to be explained," said Wiker. "She was a devout atheist and her understanding of capitalism was based entirely on selfishness. Her own personal life manifested that. Paul Ryan has some explaining to do."


"Rand has some good things to say - she rejected moral subjectivity, Communism, and intellectual relativity. She affirmed the necessity of virtues as part of economic life. She believed that when we provide for ourselves, we transform nature to do that. That provision takes our intelligence, our prudence, and our justice in how we trade things. Money is a symbol of how we trade things."

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