
domingo, 5 de marzo de 2017

Something other than reason and theological conviction seems to have been an influence on C. S. Lewis in this regard.

Why C.S. Lewis Never Became a Catholic

by Dave Armstrong

Was it his upbringing in Belfast, or something else entirely?

The great Anglican apologist C. S. Lewis (my favorite writer) was raised in Belfast. I believe it's “hearsay”, but for what it's worth, I once heard Catholic philosopher and apologist Peter Kreeft in a radio interview speak about a discussion between Lewis and J. R. R. Tolkien (ofLord of the Rings fame), in which Lewis was asked why he hadn't become a Catholic.

Lewis is reputed to have replied (paraphrase): “If you had grown up in Belfast, you'd understand and wouldn't ask me that question.” Tolkien also is reported to have referred tongue-in-cheek to Lewis' “Ulsterior motives” for not becoming Catholic.

If this is a true report, I think it is at least admirable of Lewis to honestly admit his biases (we all have them), and to acknowledge that they had a sort of irrational but profound effect on his position. Several Lewis biographers allude to very similar themes. The question comes up, among other reasons, particularly because there are reports that C. S. Lewis was very close to conversion to Catholicism especially around 1950.

For example, Joseph Pearce, in his book, C. S. Lewis and the Catholic Church (San Francisco: Ignatius Press, 2003) stated:
In summary, Lewis's religious upbringing seems to have been characterized by an inherited anti-Catholicism, whether implicit or explicit, . . . (p. 5)

Peter Kreeft in a written interview (Jedd Medifind, “Interview with Peter Kreeft on C. S. Lewis,” Los Angeles Lay Catholic Mission, October, 2003), observed:
The fault is that that is the only subject Lewis didn't want to talk about, even with his friends, much less in public -- the differences between the churches, especially the differences between the Church of England and the Church of Rome. . . . he refused to deal with 1517 (or 1054, for that matter.)

Why? Both Christopher Derrick, Lewis's student [author of C. S. Lewis and the Church of Rome: Ignatius: 1981], and Joseph Pearce, Lewis's biographer, give the same answer: he was born in Belfast and knew his prejudices sat deep.


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