
jueves, 28 de marzo de 2013

Should the Supreme Court succumb to this culture’s lies and nationalize gay marriage, its authority, which is already shaky, will be completely shot

Unholy Week at the Supreme Court

Liberal activists respect neither natural law nor positive law. What God and the people have joined together, they feel perfectly free to put asunder. Marriage, by their lights, is a purely human institution that they can make and remake at will.

This unholy cause has been on display during Holy Week at the Supreme Court, where activists, such as Hillary Rosen, declared loudly that “procreation is not the point of marriage.”

Apparently Jesus Christ was mistaken on this point. He seemed to think that marriage had to do with the two sexes coming together and becoming “one flesh,” a biological impossibility for homosexual couples. Perhaps Scripture will have to be rewritten to reflect our superior understanding of things: “Therefore a man leaves his father and his mother and cleaves to his boyfriend, and they become a family through assisted reproduction or the local adoption agency.”

Jesus Christ said that marriages take place on earth but not in heaven, a teaching which turns in part on marriage’s origin as procreative: mortal men need to reproduce; the immortal don’t. Perhaps that teaching will have to be revisited and doctoral dissertations will be written on why “gay marriage exists in heaven.”

Not that opposition to gay marriage is peculiar to Christianity. Almost all cultures and religions have opposed it. As Justice Samuel Alito noted this week, its origins are so novel that the cell phone and the Internet predate it.

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