
martes, 31 de marzo de 2015

Religious Freedom Restoration Acts have been around for over two decades.

These 19 States Have Religious Freedom Laws Similar to Indiana's. Here’s What That Means.

by Kelsey Harkness

News: Religious Freedom Restoration Acts—or what critics call "pro-discrimination" laws—have been around for over two decades.

Gov. Mike Pence gained national attention when he signed the Indiana Religious Freedom Restoration Act into law last week.

It caused the Twitter hashtag #BoycottIndiana to go viral and triggered Apple CEO Tim Cook to pen a Washington Post op-ed calling “pro-discrimination” laws “dangerous.”

Yet, despite the uproar, Indiana isn’t alone in enacting legislation that seeks to protect the religious freedom of its citizens.

Religious Freedom Restoration Acts—or what critics call “pro-discrimination” laws—have been around for over two decades.

Religious Freedom Restoration Acts first came about after the Supreme Court’s 1990 decision in Employment Division v. Smith, which “narrowed protections for the free exercise of religion.”

In response to the court’s ruling, Congress sought to restore religious freedom by passing the Religious Freedom Restoration Act of 1993, popularly known as RFRA.

The legislation won unanimous support in the House, passed 97-3 in the Senate, and was signed into law by then-President Bill Clinton.

Since then, in addition to Indiana, 19 states have passed their own state-level Religious Freedom Restoration Acts: Alabama, Arizona, Connecticut, Florida, Idaho, Illinois, Kansas, Kentucky, Louisiana, Mississippi, Missouri, New Mexico, Oklahoma, Pennsylvania, Rhode Island, South Carolina, Tennessee, Texas and Virginia.

Another 11 states have RFRA-like protections provided by state court decisions.


“What is a cynic? A man who knows the price of everything and the value of nothing.”—Oscar Wilde

On Redefining Reality: A Dialogue

By James Jacobs

It is self-destructive vanity to think we can change the meaning of marriage, the foundation of all human society, and it is irrational folly to allow an abstraction like “equality” delude us into thinking that incommensurable realities must somehow be taken to be the same.

As I walked down the street, I noticed in the window of a shop a decal advertising the so-called “Human Rights Campaign,” the organization agitating for a redefinition of marriage to include homosexual unions. I was a little shocked somebody would be proud of that association, for I had heard the news that the founder of the Human Rights Campaign (and a major financial backer of President Obama), Terry Bean, was recently arrested in Oregon for sexually abusing a 15 year-old boy. Maybe that story was not broadcast as widely as it should have been—I can only guess why; if the president of the NRA had shot someone, certainly that would make the news.

Regardless, it also struck me how utterly debased the notion of human rights had become if an entire genus of moral claims could be reduced to a grotesque assertion made on behalf of one-percent of the population. Yet, I also saw that it is the epitome of the contemporary zeitgeist in which a “right” is nothing other than a sentimental imperative, as Alasdair MacIntyre has put it: on the one hand, it is nothing other than a bold and impulsive desire; yet, this is compounded with the tyrannical demand that others submit to your insistence that that desire be satisfied. This meretricious notion of rights debases them by placing individual desire ahead of objective value, a move which ineluctably reduces to nonsense any and all claims to have rights. I thought I might make a test to determine just how dedicated the shop owner really was to this notion of human rights: did he in fact agree that subjective desire implied the sort of right he seemed to claim for himself? In other words, would he allow me to redefine reality to conform to my own desires?

The store was a tidy gift shop full of knick-knacks of no intrinsic value, but it was presided over by a tall, thin man with a penciled beard running the ridge of his jaw line and an imperious aquiline nose. I quickly found a small plaster dog, and presented it to the register for purchase by commenting approvingly, “This looks just like my son!”

Not given to suffering fools—or customers deemed unworthy—gladly, the proprietor grasped the dog with his spidery fingers and superciliously replied, “Your son? Really?”

“Well, I consider him my son. I am planning on being able to claim a child tax credit for him next year—or soon at least. The government has no right to tell me who my child is. After all, I love him like a son! That’s all that matters.”

Not knowing what to make of me, the owner quickly rang up the item without comment, and announced, “That will be $20.”

I pulled out a $10, and giving it to him, reached for the bag. “I am sorry, sir,” he said. “That’s a $10 bill.”

With this, of course, he unintentionally got to the heart of the issue. I protested, “That’s okay—I see this as being worth $20. What I mean is that, to me, that is the same as a $20 bill is to you.” Seeing him hesitate, I insisted, “Please don’t impose your values on me: I have the right to judge the value of things in relation to my money, and you judge it in relation to yours. I consider this to be $20, though you may call it what you will.”

“But you cannot just change the worth of a $10 bill! These prices are meant to be for everyone—changing them according to your whim ruins the whole system.”

“As I said, I am not changing the price. I consider the money I am handing you to be worth $20. You are getting exactly what you ask for.”

Slowly, as if here were explaining this to a child, he retorted, “Sir, you cannot redefine reality. It is an obvious fact that a $10 note is not the same as a $20 note—that would be a contradiction in terms! Simply calling a $10 a $20 does not make it so. Regardless of what you call them, they are not the same. You cannot simply go around changing the value of money. It is a fact that $10 is worth $10, and $20 is worth $20.”

“How can you be so unsophisticated?” I replied. “Isn’t the value of money just a convention anyway? I mean, there is no objective foundation for how much one piece of paper is worth against another—they are all just pieces of paper. If it is all just a convention, I should not be bound by your arbitrary traditions.”

“Price is a number, is not a ‘convention,’ sir. It is what the thing is really worth. $20 is just what $20 is, period. You can’t change that. So you do have to pay what I say.”

“So you think these prices indicate a value independent of what people want to pay?”

“Of course! The value of money is not arbitrary! If that were the case, you could give me a penny in place of $100—if you did that, you would debase even the most valuable things. Why, money would have no meaning at all if we had to redefine it anytime someone wanted to! Sir, get real: you can’t have everything you want unless you can afford it.”

Next Line of Inquiry: “Consumer Equality”


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Dante’s “moral certainties” : we can continue to learn from the Commedia about the human condition in today’s secularized world

Abandon Hope?

by Denis J. M. Bradley

“Was Dante, ‘fiery and uncompromising,’ also a medieval bigot and a rigidly dogmatic moral scold? Shaw thinks that Dante’s ‘moral certainties’ do not blind him to the ambiguities of ‘real human behavior in a real human world.’ So we can continue to learn from the Commedia about the human condition in today’s secularized world. But is it as easy as Shaw suggests to abstract contemporary metaphysical, moral and psychological universals from the particular ‘supernatural economy’—widely regarded as unbelievable or even unintelligible fantasy—of the Commedia?”

A basic Dante bibliography would now run in excess of 50,000 items; something new appears on the list every day. So why would Prue Shaw add yet another introduction, albeit one with a droll cinematic subtitle, to the Divine Comedy?—because she holds that the “sacred poem,” notwithstanding what she calls its antiquated theology and erroneous science, illumines the individual’s role in society and the cosmos, even for readers who do not share Dante’s medieval Catholicism or his “hierarchical and judgmental” view of good and evil actions.

Shaw considers seven themes in that moral universe: friendship, power, life, love, time, numbers and words, and devotes a chapter to each. These thematic chapters are capacious, each developed as a graceful if somewhat miscellaneous narrative. Five additional sections provide information about the dramatis personae, the poem’s meter, a glossary, an outline of the principal events in Dante’s life and suggested further readings. Academics can admire the competence with which Shaw popularizes received scholarship; novices can benefit from the pedagogical guidance provided by her very British classroom analogies. Both professional and amateur Dantisti can find in her numerous asides inexhaustible matters to ponder and feel when reading Il Summo Poeta.

Para finales de 2014 Rusia había desplegado en Crimea una agrupación militar de 96 unidades

Rusia despliega en Crimea una agrupación militar de casi 100 unidades íntegras

Las unidades militares de Crimea protegen los intereses nacionales de Rusia en la región y sirven para afrontar los retos de la zona en alta mar, ha señalado el ministro de Defensa ruso, Serguéi Shoigú.

Para finales de 2014 Rusia había desplegado en Crimea una agrupación militar de 96 unidades íntegras, cuyas capacidades de combate seguirán aumentándose, anunció este lunes Shoigú durante la inauguración de la reunión de la junta directiva del departamento militar, informa RIA Novosti. El ministro recordó que el presidente de Rusia, Vladímir Putin, había ordenado desplegar en Crimea "un grupo autosuficiente de varios tipos de fuerzas que pueda garantizar la protección de los intereses nacionales de Rusia en esta dirección".

Según el ministro de Defensa, la agrupación "no solo protege los intereses de Rusia en el mar Negro y en el Distrito Federal de Crimea, sino que también ayuda a afrontar con éxito los retos de la zona en alta mar". "Así, el año pasado las fuerzas de la Flota del Mar Negro, la Flota del Norte y la del Báltico, compuestas por seis buques, garantizaron una presencia permanente en el Mediterráneo", recordó Shoigú.

Hasta la fecha se ha organizado en Crimea un ejercicio militar completo de la Fuerza Aérea rusa y se ha aumentado el número de fuerzas del servicio de defensa aérea, indicó el ministro. Asimismo está en marcha la construcción de cuarteles, parques y almacenes en las cinco guarniciones militares, así como una reparación exhaustiva de los activos existentes.

Nueva ley de libertad religiosa aprobada en Indiana

El lobby gay de EE.UU arremete contra la ley de libertad religiosa de Indiana

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La nueva ley de libertad religiosa aprobada en Indiana por el gobernador Mike Pence, por la que el gobierno de dicho estado no podrá forzar a los propietarios de negocios a actuar en contra de sus creencias religiosas, ha generado una gran controversia en todos los Estados Unidos. El lobby gay ha salido en tromba porque la ley facilitará que templos privados y empresas del sector del hostelería se nieguen a celebrar «bodas» entre homosexuales.

«La fe y la religión son valores importantes para millones de residentes de Indiana y para mi pequeña familia», dijo Pence. «Y con la aprobación de esta legislación, nos aseguramos de que Indiana seguirá siendo un lugar donde respetamos la libertad de religión de cada habitante, de todas las religiones».

Hace unas semanas, el colectivo Evangélicos y Católicos Juntos hizo pública una carta en la que denunciaba que muchos creyentes «ya están siendo censurados y otros han perdido sus puestos de trabajo a causa de su compromiso público con el matrimonio como la unión de un hombre y una mujer», por lo que pedían una mayor protección legal hacia las creencias de los trabajadores y dueños de negocios.
Reacción del lobby gay

Tras aprobarse la ley, diversos colectivos del lobby gay han reaccionado exigiendo su retirada porque la consideran discriminatoria. Además de manifestaciones públicas frente al Congreso de Indiana, personas de peso en el ámbito de los negocios o los medios de comunicación han mostrado su oposición.

Una de las voces más críticas ha sido la de Tim Cook, máximo responsable de Apple, que recientemente se declaraba gay, y ha publicado una carta en el Washington Post alertando de una «nueva ola legislativa que llevará a la discriminación», y compara la ley de Indiana con las de discriminación racial del siglo pasado en el país.

«Estas leyes van en contra de los principios sobre los que se fundó nuestra nación y corremos el riesgo de que acaben con décadas de progreso hacia una mayor igualdad», escribe el responsable de la compañía de tecnología.

Le cardinal Müller, Préfet de la Congrégation pour la doctrine de la Foi, est interrogé dans La Croix.

"L’idée d’une Église nationale serait totalement hérétique"

Le cardinal Müller, Préfet de la Congrégation pour la doctrine de la Foi, est interrogé dans La Croix

Extraits :

"On peut avoir l’impression que les pontificats antérieurs faisaient une fixation sur la morale sexuelle et que le pape François veut revenir à l’universalité du message de l’Évangile. Mais le message du pape François est aussi très clair sur une sexualité de l’homme ordonnée à la volonté de Dieu qui l’a créé homme et femme. L’Église rejette toute vision gnostique ou dualiste qui ferait de la sexualité un élément isolé de la nature humaine. Le pape veut élargir la réflexion pour souligner que la mission de l’Église est de donner l’espérance à tous les hommes.

C’est justement le thème de la prochaine assemblée du Synode sur « la mission de la famille dans l’Église et dans le monde ». Une synthèse sera-t-elle possible entre les visions très différentes qui se sont opposées lors de la dernière assemblée ?

Comme préfet de la Congrégation pour la doctrine de la foi, j’ai la responsabilité de l’unité dans la foi. Je ne peux prendre parti. Mais les choses sont claires : nous avons les paroles de Jésus sur le mariage et leur interprétation authentique tout au long de l’histoire de l’Église – les conciles de Florence et Trente, la synthèse faite par Gaudium et spes et tout le magistère ultérieur…Théologiquement, tout est très clair. Nous sommes face à la sécularisation du mariage avec la séparation du mariage religieux et du pacte civil.

Nous avons ainsi perdu les éléments constitutifs du mariage comme sacrement et comme institution naturelle. Le message de l’Église sur le mariage va à l’encontre de cette sécularisation. Nous devons retrouver les fondements naturels du mariage et souligner pour les baptisés la sacramentalité du mariage comme moyen pour la grâce d’irriguer les époux et toute la famille.

Il faut distinguer deux niveaux : la dogmatique et l’organisation concrète. Jésus a institué les Apôtres avec Pierre comme principe de l’unité de la foi de l’Église et de sa communion sacramentelle. C’est une institution de droit divin. Au-delà, nous avons des structures canoniques qui évoluent selon les circonstances. Les Conférences épiscopales sont une expression de la collégialité des évêques au niveau d’un pays, d’une culture ou d’une langue, mais c’est une organisation pratique. L’Église catholique existe comme Église universelle, dans la communion de tous les évêques en union et sous l’égide du pape. Elle existe aussi dans les Églises locales. Mais l’Église locale, ce n’est pas l’Église de France ou d’Allemagne : c’est l’Église de Paris, de Toulouse… Ce sont les diocèses. L’idée d’une Église nationale serait totalement hérétique. Une autonomie dans la foi est impossible ! Jésus-Christ est le sauveur de tous, il unifie tous les hommes.

Des changements disciplinaires sont-ils possibles sans toucher à la doctrine ?

La discipline et la pastorale doivent agir en harmonie avec la doctrine. Celle-ci n’est pas une théorie platonique qui serait corrigée par la pratique, mais l’expression de la vérité révélée en Jésus-Christ.

Sur la question des divorcés-remariés, ne peut-on imaginer, après un chemin de pénitence, de reconnaître une seconde union qui n’aurait pas de caractère sacramentel ?

Il est impossible d’avoir deux femmes ! Si la première union est valide, il n’est pas possible d’en contracter une seconde en même temps. Un chemin de pénitence est possible, mais pas une seconde union. La seule possibilité est de retourner à la première union légitime, ou de vivre la seconde union comme frère et sœur : telle est la position de l’Église, en accord avec la volonté de Jésus. J’ajoute qu’il est toujours possible de chercher à obtenir une déclaration de nullité devant un tribunal ecclésiastique."

lunes, 30 de marzo de 2015

It’s his virtuosity that has brought Velázquez the admiration of generations of painters.

A Mammoth Paris Show Covers Velázquez’s Career


Museums around the globe provide 119 artworks for the Grand Palais’s exhibition

One of the most comprehensive displays of works by Diego Velázquez is opening this week at Paris’s Grand Palais. Showcasing 119 artworks from museums around the globe, it will cover the breadth of his career. But pulling together this large retrospective of the influential 17th-century Spanish painter was no easy feat for curator Guillaume Kientz.

Mr. Kientz, the chief conservationist for Spanish paintings at the Louvre, which is jointly producing the exhibition, spent the past two years negotiating with private collectors and museums to assemble some of the Spanish master’s most famous works in what will be the Grand Palais’s blockbuster show of the year.

“The idea was to update the public on the research made over Velázquez over the past years,” said Mr. Kientz, referring to the recent headway art historians have made on identifying the authors of disputed works and on the influence Italian masterCaravaggio had on Velázquez. “You can put reproductions side by side in a book; it’s very different to have them together for real.”...........


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Paris, Pèlerinage à la Sainte Couronne le Vendredi Saint


Indiana has shown that it values religious freedom.

Will Notre Dame Continue to Betray its Catholic Identity?


"Apple CEO Tim Cook said Friday that he's "deeply disappointed" in Indiana's new anti-gay law.Tim Cook, who came out as gay last year, said laws enacted in Arkansas and Indiana are discriminatory and seek to legitimize injustice under the veil of religious liberty."On behalf of Apple, I'm standing up to oppose this new wave of legislation," Cook wrote in an opinion piece published in the Washington Post. (From:

Indiana has shown that it values religious freedom. The University of Notre Dame has a moral obligation to embrace it.

On Thursday, Indiana Gov. Mike Pence signed the state’s new Religious Freedom Restoration Act (RFRA), which says that government may not “substantially burden” religious exercise, except when using the “least restrictive means” of advancing a “compelling government interest.”

It’s similar to the federal law with the same name, which has been cited in a number of federal court cases involving religious freedom. The federal RFRA was central to last year’s Hobby Lobby ruling, in which the Supreme Court exempted certain private companies from the Obama administration’s requirement that employee health plans must cover sterilization and contraceptives, including some that cause early abortions.

Church leaders and attorneys also hope that RFRA will protect faith-based employers from any overreach resulting from laws redefining marriage, particularly attempts to require spousal benefits for same-sex couples even when it violates the employer’s deeply held beliefs. The results of RFRA claims in such cases are far from certain, but RFRA gives religious freedom a fighting chance.

There’s one catch: the federal RFRA applies to laws, regulations and actions of the federal government but not the states, where marriage is being redefined. So 19 states, now including Indiana, have passed state-level RFRA laws to place proper limits on the authority of state and local governments.

But last October, when a federal appeals court in Chicago struck down the state’s law defining marriage as between a man and a woman, there was no state RFRA protecting Indiana’s religious employers. The University of Notre Dame quickly offered spousal benefits to same-sex couples, insisting that it agrees with Catholic teaching in support of traditional marriage, but nevertheless claiming that it must comply with “relevant civil law.”

The “trackpants attitude” is certainly not strengthening to a marriage

Sweatpants are the #1 cause of divorce


Last week, Eva Mendes was published in a TV Extra interview where she claimed that sweatpants (trackies, for the Aussies) are the number one cause of divorce in America. When the flood of indignant disagreement came in, she and boyfriend Ryan Gosling were quick to make light of the situation via Twitter, saying it was all a joke.

I know I’ll be going against the tide, but I agree with Eva Mendes. I get what she was trying to say. Not so much that trackpants themselves cause divorce, but rather that the “trackpants attitude” is certainly not strengthening to a marriage. And I understand the outrage too – trackies are undeniably comfortable and with a busy lifestyle, there’s not always time to look 100% perfect. But I still think we should avoid the trackpants attitude.

It’s not that relationships are all about the way people look: I’ll be the first to abhor that. But it does feed into a certain common notion these days, that all the effort and all the trying are for pre-marriage days, and that it can stop afterwards. In my opinion however, post-marriage is when the real effort starts.

Before getting married, the effort comes easy. In a time filled with passion and infatuation and all you want to do is please the beloved, which includes looking your very best for their enjoyment. After marriage (and even before) it’s so easy to get “comfortable.” It’s easy to start taking their love for granted, and to stop nurturing it.


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“Any institution that could survive the picturesqueness of the Borgias has a certain native resiliency.”

The Greatest Miracle

By Robert Royal

As Easter approaches, one observes the usual seasonal phenomena in the air: the television and magazine specials earnestly querying the scholars about Jesus, and not incidentally sowing doubt; the news features about hyper-modernist preachers who claim that, no matter, since Christianity is not about any particular set of beliefs anyway; and the irritated New Atheists who remind us that, as modern persons who believe in reason and science, who cares, since we already know that people do not rise from the dead.

If it comes to that, ancient peoples knew that as well, and they weren’t stupid, at least no stupider than we are. Yet a lot of them came to believe, just as many people on every continent – who also are not stupid despite the jibes of the atheist “Brights” – still do today. It’s a remarkable thing, worthy of attention even on purely secular grounds, maybe especially on secular grounds, because there’s nothing even remotely like it in human history.

No less a figure than Thomas Aquinas, no dope whatever else even the most militant atheist might think about him, turns to such considerations in his Commentary on the Apostles’ Creed, and specifically under the heading “Faith is not foolish,” “Because God’s miracles prove the truth of the things which faith teaches.”

Now you might expect that Aquinas would be talking about what many would consider the greatest Christian miracle: the Resurrection. But he takes an unusual tack, defending: “the miracles by which Christ confirmed the doctrine of Apostles and of the other saints. And if anyone says that nobody has seen those miracles done, I reply that it is a well-known fact, related in pagan histories, that the whole world worshipped idols and persecuted the Christian Faith; yet now, behold all (the wise, the noble, the rich, the powerful, the great) have been converted by the words of a few simple poor men who preached Christ. Now was this a miracle or was it not?”

A pointed question. Much has changed since Aquinas’s day. And in our day, it sometime seems that Jesus’ saying that “the gates of Hell shall not prevail” against his Church has been put into no little doubt. At the moment, those infernal gates seem to be doing quite well, indeed.
But what Jesus predicted has, quite literally, been fulfilled. Ezra Pound once felt the need to observe: “Any institution that could survive the picturesqueness of the Borgias has a certain native resiliency.” 

But it’s not only the Borgias. The number of things that we clearly see the Church has survived is quite impressive, indeed unprecedented compared with any other human institution: 
  • The death of Jesus. 
  • The betrayal of all the apostles (not just Judas). 
  • The martyrdom of all the apostles (except for John). 
  • Early heresies (so many they would require a separate list). 
  • Persecution and martyrdom by the Roman Empire. 
  • Acceptance by the Roman Empire. 
  • Collapse of the Roman Empire. 
  • Barbarian invasions. 
  • Saracen invasions (Old St. Peter’s itself sacked in 846). 
  • Conflicts with medieval (Christian) kings and emperors. Medieval heresies (Albigenses, Franciscan Spirituals, etc.). 
  • The Fall of Byzantium. 
  • Renaissance corruption. 
  • The Reformation (Rome sacked again in 1527 by the Lutheran troops of Catholic Holy Roman Emperor Charles V). 
  • The wars of religion. 
  • Late assaults by the Turks. 
  • Baroque corruptions. 
  • Pascal’s Jesuits. 
  • Kings claiming divine rights. 
  • Revolutions claiming absolute power. 
  • Napoleon. 
  • Freemasonry. 
  • Liberalism. 
  • Socialism. 
  • Nazism.
  • Communism. 
  • Darwinism. 
  • Limp modern liturgies. 
  • Priestly sexual abuse. 
  • “Women religious” who believe in the Goddess or the cosmic process or whatever, and are proud of it

This is just a partial list, which would at a minimum also need to recognize the constant presence of bad bishops and priests, and an ever-fickle laity. 



domingo, 29 de marzo de 2015

¿Qué ocurrió en las profundidades del Brasil real el domingo 15 de marzo de 2015?



Muchos manifestantes parecen ser sobrevivientes que resistieron meritoriamente, durante casi 15 años, a una guerra mental, tendencial e ideológica neorrevolucionaria gestada en los laboratorios del Foro Social Mundial de Porto Alegre (FSM) a partir de 2001.

1. ¿Qué ocurrió en las profundidades del Brasil real el domingo 15 de marzo de 2015, día de las manifestaciones antigubernamentales que llevaron más de un millón de brasileños a las calles? Las interpretaciones tal vez sean tantas como el número de analistas que intentan explicar esos hechos que marcaron a fondo la vida del gigante sudamericano y tuvieron gran repercusión internacional.

2. Los motivos por los cuales las multitudes se habrían volcado a las calles, según el instituto de pesquisas Datafolha, serían protestar contra la corrupción (47%), pedir el impeachment de la presidenta Dilma (27%), manifestarse contra el gobernante Partido de los Trabajadores (PT), al que pertenece la presidenta Dilma (20%) y repudiar a la clase política (14%). Hay quienes llegaron a ver en medio de las multitudes que tomaron las calles, gérmenes de una especie de contrarrevolución cultural naciente. 

3. De cualquier manera, sea por el motivo que sea, muchos manifestantes parecen ser sobrevivientes que resistieron meritoriamente, durante casi 15 años, a una guerra mental, tendencial e ideológica neorrevolucionaria gestada en los laboratorios del Foro Social Mundial de Porto Alegre (FSM) a partir de 2001. Por ejemplo, fue en los contubernios del FSM, con la participación de decenas de millares de activistas de Brasil y América Latina, que se recicló a las bases del Partido de los Trabajadores (PT), de su eficaz aliada, la “izquierda católica” y de otras corrientes de izquierda, para lanzar el proyecto de un neo-Lula gradualista, moderado en la estrategia pero igualmente radical en las metas, que pasó a izquierdizar al Brasil en el plano cultural más que en las estructuras económicas. Fue por causa de esa nueva estrategia gradualista que un reciclado Lula consiguió llegar al poder en 2002, con el Partido de los Trabajadores (PT).

4. Los nuevos conceptos de “transversalidad”, “revolución intersticial”, “diversidad” y de ideología de género, debatidos en el FSM de Porto Alegre, se fueron aplicando en Brasil para revolucionar gradualmente las mentalidades de los brasileños hasta ese entonces refractarios a las izquierdas, a través de un gigantesco trabajo de desconstrucción mental.

5. Decenas de artículos publicados en la ocasión por reporteros de Destaque Internacional, presentes en el FSM de 2001 y en los siguientes, describen ese proceso de reciclaje de las bases de la izquierda brasileña en función de las nuevas estrategias de desconstrucción.

6. A pesar de esos planes del FSM que se pusieron implacablemente en práctica, hubo en Brasil quienes resistieron a ese embate de revolución “cultural”, consiguieron sobrevivir psicológicamente e hicieron aflorar su inconformidad en las manifestaciones del 15 de marzo pp. Son ellos sobrevivientes y al mismo tiempo huérfanos, porque casi no hubo en Brasil liderazgos a la altura para denunciar ese proceso de desconstrucción de las mentalidades y de la sociedad.

7. Las manifestaciones del 15 de marzo sin lugar a dudas han hecho poner las barbas en remojo no solamente al gobierno brasileño y a su desprestigiado Partido de los Trabajadores (PT) sino también a otros gobiernos de izquierda de la región que también están metidos en líos no pequeños.

8. Some related links:

* World Social Forum, "transversality" and chaos
Powerful instruments for deconstructing reason and life, orienting society toward communitarian anarchy radically opposed to the 10 Commandments of God

* The Social Forum, "Diversity" & New Totalitarianisms
* The World Social Forum 2003: Its Networks, Goals and Strategies
"Liliputian" and "Invisible" tactics give the appearance of spontaneity to what in reality is a gigantic protest organization. Short and medium term objectives for Europe, the United States, Latin America and India.

* São Paulo Forum & Cuba in the Third World Social Forum
Continental articulation of radical leftists view "gradualist" strategies with skpticism and are ready to move forward into direct action when circumstances permit it

* Third World Social Forum 2003: gigantic revolutionary "catalyst"
Brazilian President Lula, during a speech before participants in the event, acknowledged that his goal is to promote leftism and socialism in the entire world

* Brazilian Social Forum: X-ray of the Left
Important Congress of Brazilian Confrontational Movements Passes Unnoticed in the Major Communications Media

* Foro Social Mundial: revolución cultural, feminismo e indigenismo
Los múltiples recursos exhibidos por las izquierdas en el 2o. FSM son reflejo de una estrategia de diversificar los frentes de acción, manteniendo una implacable unidad en la meta de destruir los restos de la civilización cristiana

* Las redes "nómades" y su estrategia rumbo al caos
Con una estructura descentralizada, una organización "horizontal" y objetivos inmediatos diversificados se intenta dar apariencia de espontaneidad a las manifestaciones contestatarias, inclusive aquellas marcadas por la violencia

* Serie "Foro Social Mundial: laboratorio de la revolución" (2001 y 2002) (9 artículos en español, en Html)

* El neo-Lula: ¿podemos confiar en él?

9. Important Notice: These brief and informal comments by Highlight International (Destaque Internacional) do not necessarily represent the views of all members of its editorial board. These comments are intended to draw attention to “politically incorrect” and often ignored issues which are nevertheless vital to society. Our aim is to encourage debate and remove anesthesia. We welcome suggestions, opinions, critiques and unsubscribe requests to destaque2016 @ Earlier editorials can be read on

What has happened in the depths of real Brazil on Sunday March 15, 2015?


Many street protesters seemed to be survivors, who deservedly resisted along almost last 15 years to a neo-revolutionary mental war, biased and ideological germinated at the Porto Alegre Social World Forum laboratory (FSM) starting in 2001.

1. What has happened in the depths of real Brazil on Sunday March 15, 2015, a day of antigovernment protests that brought over a million Brazilian people to the streets? The interpretations are maybe as many as the number of analysts trying to explain these facts which deeply branded the South American giant’s life and had great international impact.

2. The reason for the crowds having gone back to the streets, according to Datafolha research Institute, would be to protest against raging corruption (47%), to demand president Dilma’s impeachment (27%), protest against the Labor Party, the political party to which president Dilma belongs (20%) and reject the political class as a whole (14%). Some envisioned, within the crowd that gained the streets, the germs of an embryonary cultural counterrevolution.

3. Whatever it was, whatever the reason was, many street protesters seemed to be survivors who deservedly resisted, for as long as almost last 15 years, to a neo-revolutionary mental war, biased and ideological germinated at the Porto Alegre Social World Forum laboratory (FSM) starting in 2001. For instance, it was in the promiscuity of the Porto Alegre Social World Forum, with the participation of tens of thousands of Brazil and Latin America’s activists, that the bases of Brazil PT, Partido dos Trabalhadores (Labor Party) were recycled, together with its effective allied “catholic left” and other leftist sources, to launch the project of a gradualist neo-Lula, moderate in its strategy, although radical in its goals, which started to “lefticize” Brazil in the cultural plan, more than in the economical structures. It was due to this gradualistic strategy that a recycled Lula succeeded to raise to power in 2002, with the PT (Labor Party).

4. The new concepts of “transversality”, “interstitial revolution”, “diversity” and gender ideology, debated in the Porto Alegre FSM (Social World Forum), kept bit by bit being applied in Brazil to gradually revolutionize Brazilians’ mentalities, until then refractory to “leftism”, through a gigantic work of mental deconstruction.

5. Many articles published at the time by International Highlights reporters present in the 2001 FSM (Social World Forum) and in the following ones, describe the recycling process of the Brazilian leftist bases, in accordance to the new mental deconstruction strategies.

6. In spite of the FSM (Social World Forum ) plans implacably put in practice there were, in Brazil, those who resisted to this surge of “cultural” revolution, managed to survive psychologically and made their inconformity to emerge in the near past March 15 demonstrations. They are survivors and at the same time orphans, as there were almost no Brazilian significant leaders to denounce this population mental deconstruction process.

7. The March 15 street protests made not only the Brazilian government and its discredited Labor Party (PT), but also other region leftist governments, which are also at turns with no small troubles, to fear their own shadow.

Some related links:

* World Social Forum, "transversality" and chaos
Powerful instruments for deconstructing reason and life, orienting society toward communitarian anarchy radically opposed to the 10 Commandments of God

* The Social Forum, "Diversity" & New Totalitarianisms

* The World Social Forum 2003: Its Networks, Goals and Strategies

"Liliputian" and "Invisible" tactics give the appearance of spontaneity to what in reality is a gigantic protest organization. Short and medium term objectives for Europe, the United States, Latin America and India.

* São Paulo Forum & Cuba in the Third World Social Forum
Continental articulation of radical leftists view "gradualist" strategies with skpticism and are ready to move forward into direct action when circumstances permit it

* Third World Social Forum 2003: gigantic revolutionary "catalyst"
Brazilian President Lula, during a speech before participants in the event, acknowledged that his goal is to promote leftism and socialism in the entire world

* Brazilian Social Forum: X-ray of the Left
Important Congress of Brazilian Confrontational Movements Passes Unnoticed in the Major Communications Media

* Foro Social Mundial: revolución cultural, feminismo e indigenismo
Los múltiples recursos exhibidos por las izquierdas en el 2o. FSM son reflejo de una estrategia de diversificar los frentes de acción, manteniendo una implacable unidad en la meta de destruir los restos de la civilización cristiana

* Las redes "nómades" y su estrategia rumbo al caos
Con una estructura descentralizada, una organización "horizontal" y objetivos inmediatos diversificados se intenta dar apariencia de espontaneidad a las manifestaciones contestatarias, inclusive aquellas marcadas por la violencia

* Serie "Foro Social Mundial: laboratorio de la revolución" (2001 y 2002) (9 artículos en español, en Html)

* El neo-Lula: ¿podemos confiar en él?

Important Notice: These brief and informal comments by Highlight International (Destaque Internacional) do not necessarily represent the views of all members of its editorial board. These comments are intended to draw attention to “politically incorrect” and often ignored issues which are nevertheless vital to society. Our aim is to encourage debate and remove anesthesia. We welcome suggestions, opinions, critiques and unsubscribe requests to destaque2016 @ Earlier editorials can be read on

Cosa sarebbe una salvezza che non fosse libera?

La verità, invece, è libertà, liberazione

di Mauro Grimoldi

Da Dante a Péguy, passando per Jacopone da Todi. Un contributo al nostro manifesto “Ragione Verità Amicizia”

Questo articolo fa parte della serie “Ragione Verità Amicizia”, il manifesto dei nostri vent’anni e della Fondazione Tempi (una proposta che si può sottoscrivere in questa pagina).

Si racconta nella Commedia di come, improvvisamente, la montagna del Purgatorio venga scossa da un violento terremoto, che riempie Dante di paura: Mi prese un gelo qual prender suol colui ch’a morte vada. Subito dopo cominciò da tutte parti un grido, più precisamente un canto. Tutti dicevano: ’Gloria in excelsis Deo’. Né Dante, né Virgilio sanno spiegarsi il fatto. I due vanno avanti e il poeta fiorentino procede timido e pensoso, travagliato da una sete simile a quella evocata nell’episodio evangelico dell’incontro tra Cristo e la Samaritana. Si accosta ai pellegrini un terzo uomo, un po’ come accadde ai discepoli di Emmaus quando il Risorto si accompagnò a loro. A lui si rivolge Virgilio, chiedendogli conto dell’accaduto. L’ignota presenza spiega che il terremoto sancisce il momento in cui un’anima del Purgatorio sente di aver compiuto il cammino di purificazione ed è pronta a salire verso il Paradiso, quel regno celesto che compie omne festo che’l core ha bramato (Jacopone da Todi). Non c’è nessun altro segno che non sia il sentire stesso dell’anima, nulla, al di fuori del voler, fa prova, dice il testo, de la mondizia raggiunta. Di colpo, l’anima sorprende in sé il desiderio e la possibilità di muoversi verso la perfezione. Questo scatena il terremoto. Questa libertà fa tremare il mondo. E fa cantare un canto nuovo, il canto d’una vita rinata. Anche prima della purificazione l’anima desidera il Cielo, ma non può raggiungerlo: il talento, il desiderio, infatti, è mortificato, posto al tormento, dalla divina giustizia.

Colpisce, a questo punto del racconto, la coincidenza perfetta tra il fatto e il sentire, tra oggetto e soggetto. Non si tratta né di un sentimento privo di fondamento reale, né d’una realtà priva di partecipazione umana. La narrazione poetica di Dante è le descrizione esperienziale della formula con cui San Tommaso fissa la definizione della Verità: Adaequatio rei et intellectus. Solo la verità è capace di questa unità. Fuori di lei, il sentimento o il pensiero oscillano incerti tra esaltazione e cinismo, volubili e incostanti come fantasmi. E la realtà pesa come una costrizione volontaristicamente assunta o imposta.

La verità, invece, è libertà, liberazione.

Leggi di Più:

Dos masones en Lourdes ...

Dos masones recibieron en Lourdes una gracia extraordinaria y sensible para su conversión católica


A Maurice Caillet, médico francés nacido en Burdeos en 1933, y a Serge Abad-Gallardo, arquitecto también francés nacido en Marruecos en 1954 de padres españoles, les separan más de veinte años de edad y algunas circunstancias personales y familiares. Pero les unen tres elementos existenciales decisivos: ambos fueron miembros de la masonería, ambos se convirtieron al catolicismo tras un proceso que tuvo en el santuario de Nuestra Señora de Lourdes y ambos han dejado por escrito su testimonio, en el que concluyen la radical incompatibilidad entre ser católico y ser masón.

Pertenecieron a obediencias distintas, las dos principales de su país: Caillet al Gran Oriente de Francia durante quince años, y Abad-Gallardo a Derecho Humano durante veinticinco. La historia de Maurice la encontramos en Yo fui masón, publicado en 2008, y la de Serge en Por qué dejé de ser masón, que acaba de ver la luz en marzo de 2015.

El proceso de incorporación de ambos a las logias fue muy parecido. Eran agnósticos con una cierta querencia por «lo misterioso», recibieron un primer contacto a través de sus relaciones profesionales, les tentó la sensación de pertenecer a un grupo de elegidos que estan en posesión de un «secreto» que esperaban les fuese revelado alguna vez... Alcanzaron el grado de maestro y empezaron a ascender en la escala de la organización masónica, en función de unos rituales y una simbología como endeble fundamento supuestamente espiritual para dar lustre a un mero entramado de poder e intereses.
El mono de Dios

Una simbología que en muchos aspectos imita al cristianismo («muchos han podido leer escritos sobre el carácter mimético, si no blasfemo, de la [Última] Cena que constituye la iniciación al grado 18º, que yo he vivido», recuerda Caillet; «el ritual masónico ha retomado por su cuenta revelaciones cristianas», resume Abad), pero que lo hace al modo en el que el diablo es el mono de Dios: «Diabolus est Dei simia», según la frase de Tertuliano. Desde luego, durante su dilatada experiencia masónica ni Maurice ni Serge encontraron paz para su alma.

Es más: comprobaron cuán lejos estaba la práctica masónica de los utópicos ideales de fraternidad que proclama. Maurice lo comprobó en forma de arribismos y enchufismos inaceptables entre masones. Serge, en el seno mismo de las luchas de poder por el control de las logias.

Y entonces viajaron a Lourdes.


Leer más aquí:

Prof. Javier Paredes: La Revolución Francesa y la descristianización

La realidad de los ídolos franco-revolucionarios y consecuencias de su grito: “Libertad, igualdad y fraternidad”.

El profesor Javier Paredes, catedrático de Historia Contemporánea de la Universidad de Alcalá, nos habla sobre la Revolución Francesa y la descristianización.

Hace una breve y ágil exposición sobre una de las épocas más distorsionadas y desconocidas en su realidad por el mundo actual.

Examina los comienzos de una Francia floreciente en su catolicidad y conoce las propuestas, manipulaciones y leyes a nivel social y religioso que llevarán a toda una nación a la descristianización nacional, bañada de sangre martirial.

Nos ayudará a profundizar sobre la realidad de los ídolos franco-revolucionarios y sobre las consecuencias de su grito: “Libertad, igualdad y fraternidad”.

What’s The Difference Between Sunnis and Shiites?

Origins Of Middle East Conflicts Found In Sectarian Rivalries, Exacerbated By Geopolitics

By Elizabeth Whitman

Amid escalating conflict in Yemen and battles in Iraq and Syria, many wonder how the Middle East became seeded with such conflict. One argument frequently made is that of a sectarian division between Sunni and Shiite Muslims, as highlighted by the so-cold cold war between regional powerhouses Iran (Shiite) and Saudi Arabia (Sunni), which most recently have been jockeying for power in Yemen.

Attributing conflict to age-old divides between Sunnis and Shiites is tempting, but although sectarianism helped pave the way for today's ongoing strife, major conflicts in the region have since devolved into seeking revenge for past oppressions or a struggle for geopolitical control. These alternative factors are critical in order to understand conflicts in today’s Middle East.

The Sunni and Shiite sects of Islam date to a disagreement in the seventh century over who should succeed the Prophet Muhammad, founder of Islam. After Muhammad died, his companion Abu Bakr became the new leader, or caliph, of Islam, despite the protests of the supporters of Muhammad’s cousin, Ali.

Ali did eventually become caliph, but not before a serious disagreement had begun over the succession question. Five years later, Ali was assassinated and his followers rejected the leaders of Islam who followed. His descendants became the Shiites, while those who descended from supporters of subsequent caliphs became Sunnis.

Today, the populations of majority-Muslim countries are varying mixes of Sunnis and Shiites: Iraq is a blend of the two, Iran is predominantly Shiite, Saudi Arabia is Sunni, Jordan is Sunni, Syria a blend, and so on.


Assisted Suicide and Religious Liberty

Religious Freedom,  physician-assisted suicide

by Ryan T. Anderson

  • First, much ado about nothing over the Indiana Religious Freedom Restoration Act. Sarah Torre and I explain here.
  • Second, lots of stuff to share on physician-assisted suicide. 

- This past week, The Heritage Foundation published a report I've written: "Always Care, Never Kill: How Physician-Assisted Suicide Endangers the Weak, Corrupts Medicine, Compromises the Family, and Violates Human Dignity and Equality." The report is a bit long--22 pages when printed--so you may prefer reading the PDF version, available at the link above, and also direct here:

- I went on EWTN Nightly News to discuss the report. You can watch the 3 minute video here:

- I also did two written interviews about it. Here with Kathryn Lopez at NRO, and here with Andrew Walker at the ERLC's Canon and Culture.

- I wrote a short summary of the report for the Daily Signal, which Newsweek then reprinted.

- Finally, tomorrow, Monday March 30th, The Heritage Foundation and National Review Institute are co-hosting an event at 12 noon, featuring me, Kathryn Lopez, Dr. Farr Curlin (a palliative care doctor and professor at Duke Med School), and Sister Constance Veit (of the Little Sister of the Poor). The event is free and open to the public, and you can watch it streaming online. Details here:

Voulant « arracher l'âme de la jeunesse française », Jules Ferry engage la lutte contre les congrégations religieuses.

Le catholicisme fut le promoteur le plus efficace du développement populaire de l'intelligence humaine.


- le 29 mars 1880 : Jules Ferry institue en France l'enseignement laïc, gratuit et obligatoire, il en profite pour faire passer deux décrets contre les congrégations.

Jules Ferry prend deux décrets : le premier contraint, dans un délai de trois mois, les Jésuites à quitter leurs établissements, alors que le second oblige les congrégations non autorisées à faire une demande d'autorisation. Le XIXe siècle est celui de l'essor des congrégations et du renouveau de la foi en France, il marque également le début d'une « persécution » de la part des gouvernements successifs aboutissant à la sécularisation forcée ou à la dispersion des congréganistes.

Républicain athée et franc-maçon, issu d'une riche famille de libres penseurs de Saint-Dié, Jules Ferry donne aux enseignants des congrégations catholiques le même délai pour se mettre en règle avec la loi nouvelle sous peine de quitter aussi l'enseignement. Cela aboutit à l'expulsion de 38 congrégations masculines soit plus de 5000 religieux.

Voulant « arracher l'âme de la jeunesse française », Jules Ferry engage la lutte contre les congrégations religieuses. La veille Jules Ferry propose une loi instituant l'obligation scolaire de 6 à 13 ans. Déjà un premier décret a imposé aux jésuites d'évacuer les établissements scolaires d'ici à trois mois. Un second va inviter les compagnies non autorisées à régulariser leur situation dans le même délai. L'application de ses décrets aboutit à la dispersion de cinq mille congréganistes.

Jean Guiraud rejoint les écrits de Renée Casin dans son livre Les Catholiques et la révolution française. En effet, avec le tome 3 de son livre Histoire partiale - Histoire vraie, au chapitre XIII, il rétablit la vérité sur l'état de l'enseignement en France avant la révolution :

« La légende révolutionnaire s'évanouit devant les constatations de la science historique. Les nombreux érudits qui, dans toutes les régions de la France, ont interrogé les archives locales, sont unanimes à proclamer qu'avant 1789, et en général pendant les deux siècles qui ont précédé la Révolution, les écoles populaires ont été multipliées dans les villes et les campagnes dispensant l'instruction aux ouvriers et aux paysans, le plus souvent gratuitement. »

Son chapitre s'appuie sur de nombreuses sources officielles entre autres les rapports alarmistes des préfets pour Napoléon Bonaparte. Beaucoup comparent la situation de l'enseignement d'avant la révolution pour la louer en comparaison du désert intellectuel d'alors. Surtout, l'enseignement, très souvent gratuit, n'était pas assumé par l'Etat mais par l'Eglise sans aucune contrepartie financière.

Et Jean GUIRAUD de conclure sur une citation du fondateur de l'école positiviste, Auguste Comte :

« Le catholicisme fut le promoteur le plus efficace du développement populaire de l'intelligence humaine. […] C'était d'ailleurs ce que lui reprochaient les philosophes du XVIIIe siècle. Dans une lettre à son ami Damilaville datée du 1er avril 1766 et se terminant par son cri habituel de guerre contre le christianisme « Ecrasons l'infâme ! » Voltaire déplore le développement de l'instruction populaire de son temps : « Je crois que nous ne nous entendons pas sur l'article du peuple que vous croyez digne d'être instruit. J'entends par peuple la populace qui n'a que ses bras pour vivre. Je doute que cet ordre de citoyens ait jamais le temps ni la capacité de s'instruire... Il me paraît essentiel qu'il y ait des gueux ignorants. Si vous faisiez valoir, comme moi, une terre et si vous aviez des charrues, vous seriez bien de mon avis. Ce n'est pas le manœuvre qu'il faut instruire, c'est le bon bourgeois, c'est l'habitant des villes ; cette entreprise est assez forte et assez grande. ». […] Un autre philosophe, le procureur général La Chalotais, reprochait aux Frères de la Doctrine chrétienne l'enseignement qu'ils donnaient au peuple : « Les Frères de la Doctrine chrétienne qu'on appelle ignorantins sont survenus pour achever de tout perdre. Ils apprennent à lire et à écrire à des gens qui n'eussent dû apprendre qu'à dessiner et à manier le rabot. Le bien de la Société demande que les connaissances du peuple ne s'étendent pas plus loin que ses occupations. Parmi les gens du peuple il n'est presque nécessaire de savoir lire et écrire qu'à « ceux qui vivent par ces arts ou que ces arts font vivre ».

Et Voltaire écrivait à La Chalotais pour le féliciter de penser ainsi. »


Quand Hollande rend hommage à un raciste, le jour de son investiture ! 

François Hollande a prévu de rendre hommage mardi 15 mai, le jour de son investiture, àJules Ferry (1832-1893), le père de l’école laïque obligatoire et gratuite. Il est vrai que l’électorat du nouveau président des Français est de beaucoup composé d’enseignants.Mais aussi d’anciens immigrés ! Sans le vote des immigrés extra-européens naturalisés et de leurs enfants et petits-enfants nés français, le candidat socialiste aurait été difficilement élu président.

Pourquoi donc prendre comme exemple cet homme, qui osait faire entendre à l’Assemblée Nationale, le 28 juillet 1885, « que les races supérieures avaient un droit sur les races inférieures » ?

Une situation rappelant les propos de Claude Guéant, qui en février dernier déclarait que toutes les « civilisations ne se valent pas ». François Hollande avait alors répondu que c’était «une provocation de dire qu’il y a une hiérarchie entre les civilisations». Et antérieurement, Jean Marie Le Pen, qui en 1996, citait Jules Ferry pour justifier une «hiérarchie entre les races».

Souvenons-nous, c’était l’époque où on l’appelait Ferry-Tonkin. Les fondateurs de la IIIe République, dont il fut l’un des farouches colonialistes, œuvraient pour la plus grande gloire de la France, en quête, après l’humiliation de 1870, d’un empire en Afrique et en Asie. Ils étaient colonialistes et fiers de l’être comme on est aujourd’hui européen.

Il avait comme autre certitude, que la science allait remplacer la religion. Le savoir, la transmission allaient être la panacée. L’instituteur, le hussard noir de la République, allait œuvrer pour l’unité nationale, unifiant sous le même enseignement, l’écolier breton, basque ou savoyard, mais aussi annamite ou cochinchinois. Il était désormais interdit de parler le patois. On allait dorénavant lutter contre l’enseignement religieux, encore dominant à l’époque, en chassant les Jésuites et les maristes, trop indépendants par rapport au pouvoir ! On ne compte plus le nombre d’écoles se dénommant Jules Ferry ! Heureusement que dans celles-ci, l’ignorance semble primer sur le savoir, autrement de nombreux élèves français d’origine étrangère demanderaient de les baptiser d’un autre nom. Il est intéressant de remarquer, que Ferry fut aussi celui qui en janvier 1871, imposa à Paris assiégé par les Prussiens, des mesures de restriction, qui lui valurent le surnom de « Ferry la famine » ? Hollande n’aurait-il pas l’intention de laisser l’histoire l’affubler du même qualificatif « Hollande la famine » ? Il est bien parti pour ! Car Hollande commence son mandat par des gourdes, qui ne peuvent être que de mauvais présages pour l’avenir ! Et quand il choisit Jean-Marc Ayrault comme premier ministre, il s’enfonce encore plus ! N’avait-il pas été condamné à une peine de six mois de prison avec sursis et 30 000 F d’amende pour avoir octroyé de décembre 1991 à décembre 1993, sans mise en concurrence, ni avoir recours à des appels d’offres et sans réaliser de contrat, le marché d’impression du journal municipal « Nantes Passion » dont le budget d’impression s’élevait à 6 millions de francs par an ? Aidons donc Hollande à choisir son équipe, en lui donnant une liste d’élus déjà condamnés par la justice :

La Sábana Santa de Turín y el Sudario de Oviedo envolvieron el cuerpo de la misma persona

Del estudio que demuestra que Sábana de Turín y el Sudario de Oviedo envolvieron el mismo cuerpo

por Luis Antequera

Una interesantísima investigación realizada por el doctor en Bellas Artes Juan y profesor titular de Escultura de la Universidad de Sevilla, Manuel Miñarro, en el ámbito de un proyecto del Centro Español de Sindonología, ha determinado que la Sábana Santa de Turín y el Sudario de Oviedo envolvieron el cuerpo de la misma persona, sin que ello signifique, ni la investigación haya tenido ese objetivo, que tal persona hubiera de ser necesariamente Jesucristo.

Para su estudio, el investigador utilizó fotografías a tamaño real de las dos reliquias, las cuales superpuso según un procedimiento “utilizado en la investigación criminalista”que se vale de la ayuda de luz láser, acetatos y un programa informático y pretende obtener puntos cranométricos y líneas anatómicas. La investigación ha encontrado veinte puntos de coincidencia entre ambas reliquias, una cifra que “sobrepasa con creces el mínimo de ‘puntos significantes’ o pruebas exigidas por la mayoría de los sistemas judiciales del mundo para la identificación de personas, que es de entre ocho y doce”.

Aunque las manchas de sangre presentan diferencias morfológicas explicables por las distintas duración, emplazamiento e intensidad del contacto de cada uno de los lienzos con la cabeza, lo que parece incuestionable, según Miñarro, “es que los focos, los puntos desde donde brotó la sangre, se corresponden totalmente”.

Según la tradición, la Sábana Santa, custodiada en la catedral de Turín, sería el lienzo que envolvió el cuerpo de Jesús en el sepulcro, mientras que el Santo Sudario, venerado en la catedral de Oviedo, sería la tela que cubrió su rostro.


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