
lunes, 6 de diciembre de 2021

An unprecedented revolution more profoundly radical than any other in human history

The Counterrevolution and the Republican Party

It can’t be said strongly or often enough, that the destructive madness now passing as federal ideology and policy amounts to an unprecedented revolution more profoundly radical than any other in human history. It includes a redefinition of human nature and the human family; mandatory confession of evil and racism by a nation’s founding and still majority people; rejection of that country’s founding values of individual liberty and the rule of law; and replacement of merit and character with group identity as the primary basis of social reward. Robespierre, Lenin, and Mao -- all would have shrunk from this prescription for assured social destruction.

For nearly a year the Biden “presidency” -- whoever they are -- has subjected the United States to a destructive revolutionary agenda of unprecedented scope and virulence, all of it arising out of an irrational civilizational death wish for which there is no historical parallel.

No more than a small minority of Americans knowingly voted for this.

Given safety from reprisal, large majorities of the electorate would reject both the underlying unhinged beliefs and the ruinous policies and goals that have been promoted since Biden and his opaque gang took office.

Here’s an incomplete list of the reality-averse ideas and suicidal policies that America’s ruling revolutionaries have promulgated and pursued since January 20, 2021:  

  • Western civilization in general and America in particular are and always have been evil, and accordingly must be “fundamentally transformed,” i.e., abolished by revolution, whether or not majorities have ever expressed a desire for  revolution
  • Whites, by their nature, are congenitally, innately, permanently racist, and every child and student in the nation must be taught that as fact;
  • “Systemic racism,” whatever that is, is ubiquitous in America, and is the principal, indeed only, barrier to black success; that too must be universally taught and acknowledged as fact;
  • A multiplicity of “genders” exists -- rather than two biologically determined sexes – a subjective identity smorgasbord from which every person, including every child, may choose; all individuals and institutions must go along with that subjective choice, or endure social and career ostracism or -- soon -- worse;
  • It is highly desirable, indeed essential, to forcibly, explicitly, and in detail, expose young children to radical gender ideology and to the most bizarre and statistically rare expressions of human sexuality;  
  • It is racism, genderism, or some other criminal “ism” to base college admissions or employment decisions on demonstrated ability, behavior, and character -- “excellence” is a white male plot; human sorting must be predicated on group membership (race, sex or sexual orientation), and any underrepresentation of “oppressed” groups in desirable schools, careers or positions is irrefutable proof of invidious discrimination;
  • Permanently abolished borders and unlimited, unexamined immigration to America  are unchallengeable goods; those who oppose either are racists, xenophobes, Islamophobes, or generalized haters, and all of them deserve the same ostracism and career penalties as those who doubt the reality of subjective multi-genderism;
  • As a desirable consequence of open borders and unlimited immigration the nation-state will be abolished (that is, only those nation-states of the West), to be replaced by international boarding houses occupied by peoples with conflicting values and behavior patterns, and differing abilities, interests, and languages; this will be a great good and will usher in a period of historically unprecedented peace and prosperity; opposition in any form to unlimited immigration is “white nationalism”;
  • Many if not most crimes of theft are not crimes at all and should not be prosecuted; where mass looting and destruction of property occur, whether or not incident to political protest, the police, and armed private guards should always stand down, and nothing ever should be done that might cause harm to the looters; even violent felonies should be treated leniently, especially where the perpetrator is a member of an “oppressed” group and the ostensible victim a member of the “oppressor” group (i.e., a heterosexual white male);
  • To save Mother Earth from “climate change,” there must be a radical downward adjustment of America’s standard of living; this ultimately will include dramatically reduced single-family homeownership while most of the population lives in cramped urban glass and steel boxes; sharply reduced access to personal vehicles and commercial air travel; and radically altered diets; in sum, a civilization that affords the vast majority of its citizens far fewer enjoyments and material goods than now … while its elites continue to live large, as before; and
  • Finally, the foregoing beliefs are so indisputably true, and the resultant agenda so urgently necessary, that it’s fully appropriate to abolish free expression, if that’s what it takes, to compel universal acceptance of both the beliefs and agenda. The necessary abolition of free expression is already well underway through branding opposing opinions or inconvenient facts as “hate speech” or “disinformation;” this ongoing campaign of first amendment suppression will continue and be intensified. Appropriate internet banning, coupled with employment, career, and other penalties will be imposed on those so branded.

These lunatic beliefs and goals -- only a partial list – amount to the most astonishing embrace of guaranteed civilizational extinction in the history of government.  And their promulgation by the highest powers in the United States has been in high gear for almost a year.


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