
sábado, 12 de diciembre de 2015

Improving rights and ensuring legal protection of LGBTI people and their families in key areas of EU competence

List of actions by the Commission to advance LGBTI equality
The list describes comprehensively the activities the European Commission will undertake in the coming years

Foreword by Vĕra Jourová Commissioner for Justice, Consumers and Gender Equality

Imagine if you were attacked in the street just for holding hands with your partner. Imagine if your children were bullied or isolated at school just for
who they are. Sadly, such experiences remain part of everyday life for Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender and Intersex (LGBTI) citizens in Europe.


  • Improving rights and ensuring legal protection of LGBTI people and their families in key areas of EU competence
  • Strong monitoring and enforcement of existing rights of LGBTI people and their families under EU law 
  • Reaching citizens, fostering diversity and non-discrimination
  • Supporting key actors responsible to promote and advance equal rights for LGBTI people in the EU
  • Figures and facts for policy makers on LGBTI challenges at the EU: Data collection and research activities
  • External action: LGBTI issues in Enlargement, Neighbourhood and Third countries
  • Calendar and objectives

Download document .pdf here:

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