
viernes, 7 de agosto de 2015

On Marriage and the Family : “We Have to See the Manifold Ways of How People Live Together” - Archbishop Heße Calls For More Realism in the Moral Teaching on Sexuality

Hamburg Archbishop: "People Live Together in Manifold Ways!" / Plus: The German Strategy for the Synod - and another "Liberal" Shadow Synod, now in September [Official Website of the German Bishops' Conference]
August 1, 2005

The Archbishop of Hamburg, Stefan Heße, has called upon his Church to have more realism with regard to the moral teaching on sexuality. “We have to look upon the manifold ways and forms of living in which people live, as they now exist,” said the 48-year old to the Koelner Stadt-Anzeiger on Saturday. He, “of course,” also sees “same-sex couples entering the Metropolitan Cathedral of Hamburg, and nobody asking them to leave.”



"Müssen Vielfalt der Lebensformen sehen"

Erzbischof Heße ruft zu mehr Realismus in der Sexualmoral auf

Der Erzbischof von Hamburg, Stefan Heße, hat seine Kirche zu mehr Realismus in der Sexualmoral aufgerufen. "Wir müssen auf die Vielfalt der Lebensformen schauen, die nun einmal da sind", sagte der 48-Jährige dem "Kölner Stadt-Anzeiger" (Samstag). In den Hamburger Dom sehe er "natürlich auch gleichgeschlechtliche Paare kommen, und keiner setzt sie vor die Tür".


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