
viernes, 2 de diciembre de 2016

The New Pro-Live Movement is not really interested in establishing a new pro-life movement

Out to Destroy the Pro-Life Movement

By Austin Ruse

When the Supreme Court imposed abortion on the country in 1973, the New York Times announced that the issue was at long-last decided, settled, put away for good.

As a kind of exclamation point or perhaps stake through the heart, no less than the Southern Baptist Convention praised the Roe v. Wade decision as good for the country.

To all but a small remnant of mostly Catholics, to hold the pro-life position was a shameful thing. Not long after Roe, no more than 35 percent of Americans would even self-identify as pro-life.

Yet here we are in 2016 and one could say that this issue that was supposed to be settled long ago is the least settled issue in our politics. It is certainly close to being settled in Europe where the pro-life cause gets next to no traction politically. Ask the typical Brit, or Frenchman, or German and she will say, “No, we don’t really have a pro-life movement” even though they do. Yet, here in the states our pro-life movement is bristling with growth and strength and results.

Fifty-one percent of Americans now self-identify as pro-life. Most Americans now believe in strict regulations of abortions, even those who call themselves pro-choice.

Eighty percent of millennials believe abortion should be banned after twenty weeks.

Seventy percent of blacks believe abortion should be banned after twenty weeks.

More than 300 pro-life laws have been passed in state legislatures over the past few years. As pro-aborts like to point out, that’s more than in the previous decade combined. These laws have had the effect of closing abortion clinics all over the country.

Abortion clinics are closing in droves. Abortions are down to 1.2 million from a high of 1.6 million in 1996.

The pro-life movement in America is the envy and inspiration of pro-life movements around the world.

From the notion that abortion was settled, to abortion being one of the most unsettled political issues of all time is a stunning achievement of what is no more than a rag tag band of underfunded amateurs sitting around kitchen tables, dorm rooms, and shabby conference rooms in Washington DC and state capitals.

On a fairly regular basis along come those on the political left to complain about the pro-life movement. They don’t much like pro-lifers. They say pro-lifers have not accomplished much. They say pro-life methods are ineffective, too narrow, too off-putting, too political, sometimes too icky. They say pro-lifers only care about fetuses and not about babies or children and certainly not about women or poor women, or healthcare, or the minimum wage, or gun violence.

You’ve heard this before, right? It reminds me of the time I sat at the Lincoln Memorial watching kids sliding down the marble banisters of the stairs. I sat there for hours one day. Each group of kids thought they were the very first to discover you could slide down. In the same way, there is this new group calling themselves, get this, the New Pro-life Movement, and they are here to tell us how to do it.

They are being organized by a group of bloggers at the increasingly wacky and irrelevant Catholic channel at Patheos. Besides the usual lefty chestnuts—healthcare as a right, gun violence, minimum wage, etc.,—they have added “intersectional feminism,” whatever that is, and I am almost certain we do not want to know.


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