
sábado, 22 de octubre de 2016

The ImaginativeConservative - latest essays

Our Latest Essays

While there is a lot of anxiety about the state of our politics and culture, it would not hurt to follow Russell Kirk’s lead and let a little cheerfulness break in....
Today, organized religion is irrelevant to how most people live, especially the young. Few Christians today see themselves as pilgrims journeying through this life to the next, shunning the attachment to worldly things and avoiding the snares set by the Devil... 
As we Americans continue to lose the republic to the morass and chaos of empire—exhausting our souls and our purpose in this world—perhaps we will have the courage to support our Virgils and our Tacituses...
The problem for modern music arose from the way in which ideas came to displace feelings as the source of musical creation. Conscious repetition of learned effects does not amount to real musical content... 

by Eric Voegelin
Classical studies are reduced to enclaves in institutions of higher learning, where the idea that some propositions concerning the order of man and society are to be accepted as true, others to rejected as false, come as a shock... 
Little could Alexander Solzhenitsyn have known when he languished as one of the many millions in the Soviet prison system that he would outlive the Soviet system and, furthermore, that his own courage would play an important part in that very system’s collapse...
In Dwelling on Delphi, Robert Woods calls Christians back to the Great Tradition of the liberal arts as one of the best chances we have to bring about a much-needed cultural renewal...

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