
sábado, 22 de abril de 2017

Secularism does not have the power to defeat the forces of Christendom

"The Imaginative Conservative"

Can Subsidiarity Restore American Self-Government?
by Bruce Frohnen

Many, if not most, national programs to help various people in need, and to address various, undoubtedly serious, problems, are wrong simply because they are national in origin and scope. They are unconstitutional. They also are in violation of the principle of subsidiarity, even when aimed at alleviating human suffering. This does not mean that we as Americans ought simply to ignore that suffering. But we must act within our own communities and reach out to other communities to help... 

by Thomas Ascik

Rod Dreher, in his much-discussed The Benedict Option, asserts that we are living in “post-Christian America.” So, how should Christians react to the widely acknowledged reality that Christendom—that is, civilization and culture based on Christian principles and morality—is dead? Mr. Dreher says that “Christians are now in a time of decision,” and he calls on them to take concrete steps to preserve their Christian way of life in this country. Almost all the reviews of Mr. Dreher’s book concentrate on and criticize his supposedly monastic and society-denying “option” and downplay his very uncomfortable assessment of the need for that option. This review does the opposite...

by Joseph Pearce

It’s not that secularism is dead as a political force. It isn’t. It is simply that it does not have the power to defeat the forces of Christendom. Although it is always proclaiming the Christian Faith to be dead or dying, secularism does not have the power to kill it; or, rather, if it does have the power to kill it, as it indubitably has the power to kill its disciples, it does not have the power to keep it killed. Christendom, like the God of whom it is the Mystical Body, always has the power to find its way out of the graves being dug for it. As history demonstrates, the Church is always rising from the dead because the gates of hell cannot prevail against her...

by Winston Elliott

Founded in 1696, St. John’s College has a unique history as one of America’s first, and leading, liberal arts institutions. St. John’s explores the great books of Western Civilization through seminar discussions. As President Christopher Nelson President has said: "Our books and our program demand more of us than, in truth, we are capable of achieving. It is this stretch in our search for truth, however, that allows us, as a community of learners, tutors helping students, students helping each other, to achieve some measure of greatness.” We invite you to join us as we explore the story of the College with this video (1954) which shares the unchanging essence of St. John’s...

by Philip Jenkins

For many college-age Americans today, America’s war was largely a venture in hypocrisy, as a nation founded on segregation and illegal internments vaunted its bogus moral superiority. If awareness of Nazi deeds prevents staking a claim of total moral equivalence, then America’s record is viewed with a very jaundiced eye. Even setting aside the moral issues, the degree of popular ignorance of the war is astounding. Quite apart from any specific incident, most Americans have virtually no sense of the course of the war, or American goals, or the political context...

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