sábado, 3 de mayo de 2014

Rome: the population decline, which is the suicide of the West, is a tragic wake-up call

Rome Pro-Life March Grows
 in Participants, Significance 


An interview with Virginia Coda Nunziante, the founder and chief organizer of the event, now in its third year.

The third annual March for Life in Rome, which takes place on Sunday, will have an international character that will include a conference of pro-life groups taking place on Saturday.

Last year, Pope Francis personally greeted the estimated 40,000 participants as they arrived at the Vatican for the Holy Father’s Regina Coeli prayer and address.

To find out more about this year’s event and the march’s rapid growth and popularity, the Register spoke May 1 with the march’s founder and chief organizer, Virginia Coda Nunziante.

The march this year is notable for taking place on the feast of the holy Shroud of Turin — could you explain more about this and why it is significant?

Indeed, this year's March for Life will take place on a very special day. On May 4, it is the feast of the holy Shroud, which is the sacred cloth that bears witness to both the death of Jesus Christ and his resurrection. The liturgical feast was approved in 1506 by Pope Julius II, who decided to set the day after the feast of the Finding of the Holy Cross [also known as the Invention of the True Cross].

Historical and scientific studies have now shown that the sheet in which the dead body of Jesus was wrapped is authentic. The shroud is, therefore, one of the most important relics of Christianity and is a testimony to the life that triumphs over death, the love that wins over evil and sin. In the holy shroud, symbol of pain and of eternal life, the March for Life this year will have its seal of protection.

What is the theme for this year, and which groups and individuals will be participating?

This year, the organizing committee has decided to give the march the slogan “For life, without compromise.” This is to reiterate what has been clear since the first edition of the event: that life is a non-negotiable value and, therefore, cannot be subject to failures and compromises.

We decided to take to the streets, really, to radically and firmly oppose any type of abortion law and other laws that threaten life. To defend the unborn is to fight for the repeal of the unjust Law 194, which, since its approval in 1978, has caused the suppression of 6 million innocent children [in Italy]. The clarity of the message we have launched has made the march a success. There are many members who have joined, not only from Italy, but from all over the world. There are also many bishops and cardinals who have given us their support and encouragement. Most of the participants are young people and families. In addition, the march is open to men and women of all political and religious beliefs.


Read more: www.ncregister.com

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