
viernes, 21 de marzo de 2014

The post-American world will be a much more ambiguous place. Russia, China and the United States are all demographically unstable.

What the Post-American World Will Look Like

The Cold War map of the world divided into two camps was simple and clear. The post-American world will be a much more ambiguous place. Instead of two global ideological alliances based around two world powers, there will be three post-ideological powers, no longer global in scope, and one worldwide ideological alliance.

The United States, Russia and China are post-ideological states. Russia and China have abandoned Communism. The United States is even abandoning nationalism; to say nothing of capitalism, democracy or freedom. Its rulers cling to scraps of global leftist ideology that isolate them from their own people.

Russia, China and the United States are all demographically unstable. Russia and the United States are both on track to majority-minority status. China’s demographic disaster will be the outcome of its one child policies, gendercide and its war on the countryside. The United States will probably weather its demographic problems better than Russia or China, because the former faces a fatal Muslim demographic takeover and the latter a conflict that will tear it apart, but like Russia and China, the demographic crisis in the United States will be exacerbated by the lack of common bonds to see it through a period of social stress.

There is little to unify Russia or China except greedy oligarchies playing at nationalism. It’s an unconvincing nationalism because the sons and daughters of their elites spend more time abroad than at home and sometimes even hold American citizenship. The oligarchs of Russia and the princes of China are as globalist as any Eurocrat. They have few national commitments. Their goals are wealth and power for their own families and associates.


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