viernes, 21 de febrero de 2014

UN - The double standard employed in abuse-justified attacks on Catholic teaching is both surreal and calculated

It’s surely not unreasonable to conclude from events earlier this month that the United Nations has virtually declared war on the Vatican. It issued a report on Catholic clergy abuse that was so sweeping and accusing, so lacking in fact and nuance, so extreme and damning, that it resembled pamphlet propaganda rather than informed reporting. The report not only accuses the Church of covering up, in the U.N.’s own words, “the molestation and rape of thousands of children” but also demanded that the Church change its teaching on abortion, contraception and homosexuality. In other words, the same U.N. that has called for the age of consent to be lowered to fourteen and thinks Iran and Saudi Arabia are worthy to be arbiters of human rights issues, hates Catholicism and wants the world to know it.

The U.N. Human Rights council currently includes, amongst others, Pakistan, Russia, Venezuela, China, Algeria and the United Arab Emirates. Frankly, the whole thing is laughable. But tragic, too. Pakistan has a blasphemy law under which hundreds of people are arrested and incarcerated for expressing comments considered negative about Islam. China operates gulags and executes political dissidents. The list goes on, on, and grotesquely on.

If we delve a little deeper the situation becomes positively whacky. On the U.N. Committee on the Right of the Child, led by the same Kristen Sandberg who announced the anti-Catholic report to the media with such evident relish, we have Syria, Saudi Arabia, Uganda, Egypt and Thailand. In Syria, children are tortured and murdered by the government’s security service; Thailand has the largest child prostitution trade in the world; Saudi Arabia allows if not encourages child brides and female circumcision; and in Uganda homosexuals are beaten, arrested and even murdered.

Those are the nations condemning the Vatican


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