
viernes, 15 de febrero de 2013

Poll: New Yorkers Opposed to Abortion Law Expansion

A new survey finds overwhelming opposition to key elements of Gov. Andrew Cuomo’s legislation to strengthen legal abortion


As New York debates Gov. Andrew Cuomo's proposed bill to strengthen legal abortion, a new survey shows that 75% of locals oppose the bill's provision allowing non-doctors to perform abortions.

“Gov. Cuomo’s proposed changes in New York's abortion laws are clearly out of the political mainstream,” Greg Pfundstein, president of the New York City-based Chiaroscuro Foundation, said Feb. 13.

“While it is difficult to imagine having even less abortion regulation in New York, Gov. Cuomo's special-interest allies in the abortion lobby have come up with a few ideas, and they are all extremely unpopular.”

The Chiaroscuro Foundation commissioned the McLaughlin & Associates survey firm to poll 600 likely general-election voters in New York state. The survey claims a margin of error of plus or minus four percentage points.

Almost 79% of respondents said there is already sufficient access to abortion in the state, and 80% oppose allowing unlimited abortion through all nine months of pregnancy. Almost 80% favor a 24-hour waiting period on abortion, while 76% favor requiring parental notification for a minor seeking an abortion; 86% of respondents favor regulating abortion businesses as strictly as other medical facilities.

Cuomo is pushing for the passage of the Reproductive Health Act, which would strengthen the position of legal abortion in state law.

The legislation would create a “fundamental right” for a woman to end a pregnancy.

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