sábado, 16 de junio de 2012

The Vatican has applied to get the ".catholic" top-level domain

How Vatican buying dot-catholic top-level domain will change the Church

In recent tech-geek news, ICANN (Internet Corporation for Assigned Names & Numbers) announced they are going to start allowing the purchase and registration of "top-level domains." Top-level domains are the ".com" or ".org" etc. that you see at the end of every root web address. There are many others currently available (.net, .uk, .us, .gov, .me, .biz, etc.). But they've never allowed anyone to create their own and "own" it. 
Now they are. What this means is that big organizations and companies can now purchase their own top-level domain for their web presence. So as early as next year you'll start seeing things like home.apple instead of apple.com. Things like that. Having the ".com" web address for a particular thing will no longer make you the cat's pajamas.
Additionally, instead of things like stmarys.org, you will likely start seeing stmarys.catholic, instead. Why? Well, because the Vatican has applied to get the ".catholic" top-level domain. Here are some of my thoughts:


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