sábado, 16 de junio de 2012

The unabated moral confusion flowing through the media is stunning.

Media’s moral morass

Liberal press digs deep in competition for weirdest musing

It’s so bad, you can’t look away. But we should try. With a few exceptions, the major TV networks are a torrential sewer of left-wing propaganda and smutty sitcoms. Print and online media are more diversified, but the New York Times has so many certifiables writing for it that I can’t even decide which one to quote. Elsewhere, columnists like the Miami Herald’s Leonard Pitts Jr. spin out nuggets like, “Racial animus is an element of tea party ideology, but not its entirety.” Why, thanks for that caveat, Mr. Pitts.  The Washington Post’s Courtland Milloy, after watching the Iowa caucuses on TV in January, complained bitterly that “nearly everybody was white.” Imagine that shoe on the other foot.

Wwashington Times

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