miércoles, 23 de noviembre de 2016

Dublin - Thursday, November 24 at The Davenport hotel ...


Invitation to talk

How the West exports the 'Culture of Death'

Speaker: Uju  Ekeocha

When: Thursday, November 24 at 8pm

Where: The Davenport hotel, Dublin 2

We are pleased to announce that our next speaker will be Uju Ekeocha (pictured above), founder and head of Culture of Life Africa.

Culture of Life Africa describes itself as "an initiative dedicated to the promotion and propagation of the Gospel of Life in Africa through the dissemination of good information, sensitisation and education."

Uju (short for Obianuju) will speak about how the West is exporting its culture of death to Africa and other parts of the world. 

She will discuss how "the threat of the Culture of Death is now real and imminent as we are beginning to see the undeniable attempts to limit, suppress and even destroy the source of human life."

She will describe how this is coming to Africa "in the form of population control measures being emphatically proposed, promoted and propagated from one nation to the next."

Uju was born and raised in Nigeria. She has a BSc in Microbiology from the University of Nigeria and an MSc in Biomedical Science from the University of East London. She is currently living and working as a Specialist Biomedical Scientist in Canterbury, England. 

If you would like to attend this important talk and have not already done so, please email us on info@ionainstitute.ie or phone 01 6619 204. 


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