miércoles, 22 de junio de 2016

The human spirit can truly change history.

How Saint John Paul II Conquered Communism

by Filip Mazurczak

The documentary "Liberating a Continent" is a subtly provocative refutation of what our secularized elites believe about what truly drives history and how Christianity impacts the world.

Next month, the Catholic world’s eyes will for one week focus on Poland, as millions of pilgrims will celebrate World Youth Day with Pope Francis. This is the perfect time to get to know the country’s Catholic heritage. The many contributions of Poland and its native son Pope St. John Paul II include unleashing a revolution of the spirit that showed that the Soviet empire was based on an anthropological lie. This story is excellently told in David Naglieri’s new documentary Liberating a Continent: John Paul II and the Fall of Communism, a subtly provocative refutation of what our secularized elites believe about what truly drives history and how Christianity impacts the world.

Bertrand Russell, one of the most influential atheist philosophers of the twentieth century, wrote that “the Christian religion, as organized in its churches, has been and still is the principal enemy of moral progress in the world.” The overwhelmingly post-Christian intellectual elites in the West mostly share Russell’s opinion.

Additionally, much of the study of history in the West has become dominated by the Marxist view. History is driven by economic power and by who has better guns and tanks. This view is taken for granted even by many thinkers who officially disavow Marxism. How many neoconservatives, for example, believe that the Cold War ended solely because of military and economic factors, ignoring the revolution of conscience that Pope St. John Paul II inspired in his native Poland?

David Naglieri’s Liberating a Continent, which is currently airing on local PBS stations across the country and is available for purchase on DVD and Blu-ray, deals with this episode in history, demonstrating that, contrary to Bertrand Russell’s assertion, the Catholic Church did contribute to moral progress by overthrowing an oppressive Evil Empire.


Read mopre: www.catholicworldreport.com

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