miércoles, 1 de abril de 2015

"When you've got a nation of 60 million Catholics and less than two dozen true Catholic colleges and universities—I mean, the math doesn't add up"

Small Number of Strong Catholic Colleges ‘Heartbreaking,’ Says Conservative Leader

By Justin Petrisek

The fact that most Catholic colleges today still do not fully embrace their Catholic identity is “heartbreaking,” conservative leader L. Brent Bozell III observed in a recent interview with The Cardinal Newman Society. The Newman Guide to Choosing a Catholic College recommends just 20 U.S. colleges and another seven online and international programs that have a strong Catholic mission and adhere to Ex corde Ecclesiae, the Vatican constitution on Catholic higher education.

“When you’ve got a nation of 60 million Catholics and less than two dozen true Catholic colleges and universities—I mean, the math doesn’t add up,” said Bozell, founder and president of the Media Research Center and a member of the Newman Society’s board of directors. “It just doesn’t take a rocket scientist to figure this one out. So many are going in the wrong direction, but only a few are heading in the right direction.”

The 1998 University of Dallas alumnus of the year was recently announced as the keynote speaker for the University’s commencement ceremony in May. Bozell took the time to speak with the Society on the importance of Catholic higher education and his own experience at the University of Dallas.

In an age where it has become increasingly difficult to freely live one’s Catholic faith, good Catholic higher education is helping restore and instill Catholic values in society, Bozell attested. “A true Catholic identity goes beyond the intellectual and addresses the cultural. You don’t think like a Catholic, you live like a Catholic,” he said. “If you live like a Catholic you’ll be more discerning, you’ll be more demanding, you’ll be more careful. But it’s so difficult in today’s day and age.”


- See more at: www.cardinalnewmansociety.org

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