martes, 4 de noviembre de 2014

The Extraordinary Synod of Bishop of the Family’s relatio synodi (final report)

Synod’s Final Report: Same-Sex Unions Not in God’s Plan for Marriage and Family 


The Vatican releases the official English translation of synod’s final report Oct. 31. It will serve as the official working document for next year’s ordinary synod on the family.

Now released in English, the Extraordinary Synod of Bishop of the Family’s relatio synodi (final report) reveals a more positive tone regarding the family called for by the synod’s small groups, as well as greater clarity on phrases that generated confusion in the midterm relatio.

The Oct. 5-19 synod reflected on “The Pastoral Challenges of the Family in the Context of Evangelization.”

At the close of the 10-day meeting, which gathered together 253 bishops from around the world, a final document was issued that summed up key points of the discussion that took place and which serves as the official “working document” for next year’s ordinary synod on the family.

With substantial changes made in comparison to the much-discussed midterm synod report, particularly surrounding the topics of both homosexual and divorced-and-remarried persons, the final document, the English translation of which was released Oct. 30, offers a more positive tone, more references to Scripture and clearer language.

On the topic of homosexuality, the final report noted how some families have some members who are homosexually oriented and said that there had been significant discussion surrounding the appropriate pastoral response in accord with Catholic teaching.

“There are absolutely no grounds for considering homosexual unions to be in any way similar or even remotely analogous to God’s plan for marriage and family,” the report read in Paragraph 55.

However, it also emphasized that “men and women with a homosexual tendency ought to be received with respect and sensitivity. Every sign of unjust discrimination in their regard should be avoided.”

In the following paragraph, the report condemned international organizations that link their financial assistance to poor countries with the acceptance of laws supporting the establishment of same-sex “marriage.”

On the topic of divorced-and remarried-Catholics, the final report emphasized that these situations require “careful discernment and an accompaniment of great respect.”

“Language or behavior which might make them feel an object of discrimination should be avoided, all the while encouraging them to participate in the life of the community,” the document read, pointing out how the synod fathers discussed the possibility of giving persons in this state access to confession and Communion.

Although there were divergent opinions on the issue, with some advocating for current practice to remain the same and others promoting a more personalized approach that would give access in certain situations, the final word in the closing report said that the topic still “needs to be thoroughly examined.”

Discussion also touched on the topic of spiritual communion for the divorced and remarried, which is a topic the synod fathers also said needed “further theological study” in light of the sacrament of marriage.


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