domingo, 9 de noviembre de 2014

"In general, love is the whole meaning of life, of being," Putin said. "[Love for Russia]

Here's Why Vladimir Putin Is The World's Most Powerful Person, No Matter What America Does

Forbes came out with its list of the most powerful people in the world earlier this week.

US President Barack Obama came in second.

Russian President Vladimir Putin came in first.

While Forbes obviously doesn't have the final say on world power, it is compelling to investigate why Putin, the ruler of a faltering quasi-republic, is considered the most powerful person alive.

For one, he has a remarkable grip on power. He became prime minister in 1999. That gig lasted until 2000, when he switched to president, which lasted until 2008. Then he became prime minister again — until 2012. He then went back to being the president of Russia, an office he's held since May 2012.

He's effectively run the world's largest country by landmass for 15 years. In roughly the same period, the US has cycled through Clinton, Bush, and Obama administrations.

While American presidents struggle with a foot-dragging Congress, Putin seems to do whatever he wants.

You could argue that, this year, Putin has executed the most flagrant displays of power yet.

Forbes editor Caroline Howard lists a few of his 2014 highlights:


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