sábado, 12 de julio de 2014

In the 18th century, the idea that human nature is inclined to evil was gradually replaced by the opposite idea that human nature is inclined to good...

Age of Sin - Why is Catholicism in decline?

One of my sociological preoccupations is concern for the question: Why has Catholicism gone into steep decline in the last half-century or so in the most modernized and prosperous countries in the world -- that is, the United States, Canada, and much of Europe?

The most popular answer to this question is that the decline is totally the result of Vatican II. But I reject that answer. If Vatican II played a role in the decline, it was only a very small role. The important factors are to be found elsewhere. There may be a hundred of these factors, but one might be more prevalent than the others.

Christianity is a salvation religion, and it offers to save us from is sin. According to the Christian story, God became incarnate in Jesus Christ, and then suffered and died on the cross, to save us from our sins. The premise upon which all this is grounded is, of course, that we humans are sinners -- very serious sinners.

However, what if we are not sinners? Then it would follow that we don’t need salvation from sin. And if we are sinners but don’t feel that we are sinners, then we won’t feel the need of salvation. So Christianity will make no sense to us.


Read more: www.aleteia.org

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