viernes, 4 de julio de 2014

If you are reading this at work, quick, get rid of it. Your boss may be watching.

How Chase Bank and other Corporations Coerce and Bully Christians 

by Austin Ruse

How would you feel if your boss came into your office one day and asked if you are supportive of the “LGBT community”?

Maybe you are sympathetic to gays who face discrimination but you do not support the overall agenda. Maybe you are a faithful Catholic who accepts the teaching of the Church on homosexuality, that it is disordered and if acted upon, mortally sinful. Maybe you are simply bone weary of the LGBTs jamming their message into your face and the faces of your children all day long.

And there is the man who holds your job in his hands asking, just asking, if you support LGBTs. Do you feel threatened? Are you worried that if you say no, your name goes into a file and that some future decision will rest upon your answer? Are you worried that you may be compelled to take a new course in “diversity” education, otherwise known as re-education?

Word has just circulated that all the employees of JP Morgan Chase–more than likely where many of you bank–have been asked that very question by their bosses. JP Morgan Chase circulates a yearly survey of all employees and in years past it has been fairly anodyne: questions related to company performance, happiness of employees, that sort of thing.

This year, though, some employees were angry to see the following new question.

Are you:
1) A person with disabilities;
2) A person with children with disabilities;
3) A person with a spouse/domestic partner with disabilities;
4) A member of the LGBT community;
5) An ally of the LGBT community, but not personally identifying as LGBT.

Note the oddness of putting LGBT questions alongside questions about disabilities. Apart from that, note the oddness of actually asking employees about their sexual orientation. Chase Bank actually feels comfortable asking such a question. Talk about your boss occupying your bedroom. Any self-respecting LGBT ought to respond, “none of your goddamn business.”

And then the last question: Are you an ally of the LGBT community?


Christians and others who oppose the LGBT agenda are now in hostile territory at work. You cannot let your fellow employees know about your position on LGBT. I would guess that many are afraid to express their Christian beliefs at all because it might evoke a hostile reaction from the dominant sexually correct mafia.

My suggestion? If you are reading this at work, quick, get rid of it. Your boss may be watching. When JP Morgan Chase puts up diversity posters that say, “Just be you,” they don’t mean you. They mean them.



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